LOL ^this guy for the win. Seriously, fuck those stupid twats, what do you bloody well think is going to happen if you get loaded and go driving like you’re soddin’ speed racer
LOL ^this guy for the win. Seriously, fuck those stupid twats, what do you bloody well think is going to happen if you get loaded and go driving like you’re soddin’ speed racer
lol and Clinton’s election donors and their media influences continue to attack Bernie Sanders over lies and other falsehoods, by proclaiming someone that’s probably the most diverse and racially progressive candidate as “not doing enough” or “not listening to me”, as though, black lives are the flavor of the month…
Can someone explain to me why we’re still subsidizing these environic pieces of overly expensive trash so that some techie bro’s with small dicks using electric cars that are primarily powered by natural gas can apparently now go slightly faster? Cause you’re not zero emissions and you’re not cost effective, so stop…
“wait a minute...that guy’s not supposed to be here....and wait....that’s not even a guy....that’s a bear!”
That’s nice dear, isn’t everyone an activist now-a-days, especially you arm-chair types, making change merely cause you claim so or cause you filled out a petition lulz be a shame if those didn’t do ANYTHING. And your last statement tells it all - you don’t care, you don’t care about the people who actually…
yep, and cause of your civil disobedience, the black grounds keeper then had to refly the flag, cause you didn’t pass any laws or politically change anything, other than go rabble rabble rabble, something something something, I’m offended, so now everyday people have to suffer for it. Good, freakin, job. Will this…
1) Martin nor the show have set up anything for a “ultimate shw outcome”(again, you’re basing this entirely off the books, stop it) that’s why Jon Snow’s death is so good - most of you were coming up with more theories than JFK’s assassinations, so when it just dropped, you had no clue and pooped yourself. 2)…
Why do any of you give Fox the time of day? Stop watching Fox and surprise, the bigotry will just fade away. Also, about the whole “stop trying to put jesus in the grave” thing, bro, jesus is dead, leave it that.
Sure as hell glad it’s not, fuck that. reliance on co-op is what’s ruining games and forcing shitty half finished games where you have to keep spending money on DLC crap. I don’t want to have to be connected to the internet and I sure as hell don’t want to be forced into a world where I have to play with you dirty…
But by her willingly choosing to help her father, she’s ended the long winter. Stannis can retreat back to the wall while the Boltons horses get stuck in the mud, and the white walkers will have no choice but to retreat back into the north now that their winter cover is ruined. She helped her father in the only way…
*sigh* why are the other book readers so insistent about all the lore that the show has barely even alluded to, as though they’re even going by the novels anyways? Also, hi, how is Jon Snow going to come back if there’s no more kings blood, since, as people keep claiming, Stannis is dead but wouldn’t it be really…
I think you’re relying way too much on the books, and realizing that GoT has nothing to do with the books nor does it care about fan theories or all the lore.... and that Jon Snow is deader than a door nail. Also, the many faced god is associated with black, AND white, cause while they represent death in the books, in…
That’s what I’m trying to say though, everyone’s so focused on how they want the books to be portrayed that they’re not actually focusing on the show and that there’s really been no set up to play this fan theory up, and while thats true about littlefinger and Aemon, thats really no more than filling in the slight…
as icedurth pointed out, you saw Jon Snow die, no question; you see him getting stabbed, fall over, and bleed out. That would be dying. Stannis gave up, had lost a war, but just cause Brenne swung her sword doesn’t mean she struck him.