especially, now that the man has seen the men from westeros, he’ll have to die, and someone will have to have to be responsible for this death.
especially, now that the man has seen the men from westeros, he’ll have to die, and someone will have to have to be responsible for this death.
What if the drink was only supposed to blind the dock worker, not kill him? It never really said they were going to kill him, only that next time, to use the potion. Maybe they only wanted to blind him so he wouldn’t see someone, maybe someone from westeros*hint hint* who was just so happening to arrive at the docks?…
You saw him die! Sam’s gone, Master Aemon is dead. Melissandra’s magic seems to be failing, and it’s not like she’s shown any means of resurrecting someone, or then she’d then just go resurrect Stannis, duh. Stannis is alive, cause otherwise, Jon is dead. The best counter argument I’ve seen was that yes, Stannis…
well how old is arya? like 16? as long as he’s not older than Arya I suppose he could be 16? if they really needed to fudge the actor
*cough* doesn’t mean she has to keep it *cough* *stab stab* *dig dig* *forget forget*
Why are you all so focused on that? They haven’t played that up at all, so guess what, why would they suddenly just pop this shit in? No body really cares/d in the actual show if Rheagar had any kids or not, cause Robert crushed his rib cage with a hammer. He’s dead. Fuck ‘m
also, those “free folk” would be “dead folk”…
Thank you someone else noticed it!
oooo so this. That makes all the sense
nice try, but no. As Stannis deals with his dead wife and a mutiny, there’s something that everyone has missed and no one is talking about; the snows melting, but winter hasn’t even started yet. We know Stannis is alive( G.R.R.Martin insists that unless you saw them die, they’re not dead, and that was quite the pull…
cause idiots like you don’t realize most of this shit doesn’t actually work properly or as is intended(mainly cause they’re faking a bunch of stuff on the video), and the gimmick gets old real quick(I’m looking at you “3d” movies... gawd what a disorientation)
no, it’s that no body really cared or asked, so when y’all actually did ask, *gasp* “You’re white?” suddenly everybody threw her under the bus, not cause she’s been helping bridge the gaps between races in our communities and embracing African-American culture as just American culture*gasp again*, but because she’s…
lol so...a woman who’s spent most of her life studying African history, being active in her community, and working to bridge the gap between racial groups and tolerance should be thrown under the bus cause her white parents got mad they kept being reminded about all the terrible things white people have done, so, like…
no, that girl needed to obviously see a psychiatrist. fuck me, right, for worrying about the people on the freeway who could have been injured if she fell onto their hood and went through the windshield when she selfishly took her life like that.
What is wrong with these little brats now a days? boo hoo, you want to be told you’re a special little flower, so when someone’s says stuff you don’t want to hear, you then go jump off a bridge onto a freeway into on coming traffic that could have killed other innocent people. Fuck you selfish little brats, if you…
It’s not barefeet, it’s flip-flops. The myth goes that it’s illegal to drive wearing flip-flops cause there’s no strap or means of attaching the shoe to your foot, so if it were to fall off, it could get jammed behind the break.
....will technocrats in this country finally wake up and realize there’s a bunch of other problems other than their petty individual wants and needs, and mainly the fact that most technocrats have been avoiding paying their responsible share of taxes(cause they apparently earned it lol), so roads and other…