and, for teens increasing pot use, a harder time adjusting to society.
and, for teens increasing pot use, a harder time adjusting to society.
well, duh, it's Blizzard, they know how to keep their fans (relatively) happy, but Anita Sarkeesian didn't make money off criticizing and blogging about those 90's games at the time, so she's got to work over time. Sarkeesian is literally just another reporter/journalist making money off people reading her big…
I can do whatever I want when it comes to Koreans
He only came clean cause people questioned him, and then actually checked his facts, which were horribly fraudulent! What's worse, is you even admit he's not a real investor, even though he was posing as one, making false statements in the hopes of gaining popularity, but you claim he shouldn't be punished? No FREAKIN…
What a load of illogical neo-fem bullshit. Fucking aye this site's gotten retarded and hypocritical when most of you are asking to be treated as equals but you don't even set the example yourself! Look at the front page of gawkers, it's Ben Afflecks penis. When it's a woman, say jennifer lawrence, y'all panic and say…
Only take nude photos using a polaroid camera!
Do you think affirmative action would help a police force made up of white minorities in majority black town to discharge some of the tensions?
wow, what a really lame, lazy, and boring person. You're not DIY, you freakin poser, if you were, you'd actually DO IT YOURSELF while creating new means and functions for something that was old while blogging about appropriate and practical purposes for today. Here's an example: I got tired of paying to go to the…
lol that's such a cop out for being called out for merely posting something for the karma points when some people could get sick from thinking this is a clean and reliable means of getting potable water, especially if you haven't even built or tested your own system! that's like telling people "hey, try this and see…
I haven't personally built or tested one of these
lol oh, oh no, I screwed up some, oh gosh what is it called, "handball?" oh wait no, it's football, yes, football jargon. And trust me, I have no interest in glorifying the Raiders. As for what you said about santa clara having their practice facilities in santa clara for decades, wouldn't that be more than enough…
that's even worse! if 49ers are supposed to be that great as you're trying to say, how is it their backups and bench players lost soooo badly?? And how is that suppose to comfort anyone that the shitty players can't beat other shitty players?? nice little "foreigner" comment - as though that makes my argument less…
LULZ thanks for reminding me how much THEY BLEW THAT TOO. 49ers haven't won a super bowl since 94' either. As for the "pregame"(whatever you want to call it so they don't look so bad) if this was just supposed to be some sort of friendly match, I dread thinking about how poorly they'll do when they actually have to…
hahahahah that's a good one. Why would they? SF gets to keep all the rights, while santa clara foots the bill. South bay residents now have to deal with all the traffic, drunks, and bros, while SF gets to claim that it is some how apart of "silicon valley" now that every tourist who goes to see a San Francisco 49er's…
yeah, but that's what makes things like Operation Gore so traumatically successful - with a comment section flooded with nothing but ultra-violence and extreme sexual content, it makes user based commenting and community sharing almost impossible to function without being visually scarred or driving away users…
OH SWEET! So that terribly not funny show is going to finally get canceled?