lol you mean, Hamas, that official group that governs Gaza and sets up all the police and government bodies? OOO that's convenient for Israel. We'll label them and any other government official "terrorists", so when the idf take out a school, or police station, or a hospital, and kill everyone that could of helped…
obviously, most Jezebel users haven't heard of/dived into the horrid depths that is 4Chan, so the "prepare your anus" jokes might not be well known, but he did kind of piss into the wind by being that "douchebag guy" to that "feminist reporter".
Please, NO. Clinton's/Bush's I dont care - I want these dynastic based families out of the white house and out of politics. They pander to the politically ignorant just for votes yet strive to create nothing but social disharmony in order to get their way.
I agree, that's why I come to Jezebel, much like I check most of the Gawkers networks. This just seemed really dull and a dumb article that just portrays this site as some gossipy/tabloid page
soooo.....because of dull articles like this and being a guy as you are, you agree it's hard to take this serious as a "news site"? per se, of course
LULZ nice assumption that I'm a man and that I'm straight(geez, go fishing much for anti-complements??). Sorry I'm not "gawking" you(omg, that's the news networks name!!!), I guess you'll have to victimize yourself through someone else. Have you tried 4chan? I hear they love feminists <3 Yeah, jezebel has a lot of…
I've been saying this for days. It makes no sense for the US, who is still heavily in debt itself, to have wrestled economic control of Ukraine when they 1) were no longer even paying on their debts to the Russians… and 2) had to receive billions in aid from the US govt to keep the…
I've been saying this for days. It makes no sense for the US, who is still heavily in debt itself, to have wrestled economic control of Ukraine when they 1) were no longer even paying on their debts to the Russians… and 2) had to receive billions in aid from the US govt to keep the…
this is the dumbest fan-boy article I have ever read... have a strange understanding of what is not a review
The nice thing is, you totally can go stand alone. This is a horrible review, as though someone was either looking over her shoulder, pretty much playing for her. The game is huge yet if you're looking to interact with people, there is sure to be a fire fight with your name on it - I was doing a run of the mill…
Are you fucking serious? I got the opportunity to try Destiny this weekend when one my buddys who works at Bungie was in town, and let me say this - I have never been this impressed by a game (seriously, it's not even in beta, its pre-alpha) that got that straight into kicking ass and chewing bubble gum fast while…