
*Gasp* Game of thrones shocked you by taking that character you really liked, and ruined them. I'm so surprised(sarcasm)... also, you're going to be really pissed when Tyrion kills Shea for sleeping with Tywin, after he finds her in his chambers and strangles her to death for sleeping with his father before shooting

lulz uh oh, someone learned a new word for backing out slowly when losing an argument on the internet when they started basing their response off of their own opinions and not any actual facts. Man, u mest b soupr smert

That's not a good explanation for why that couldn't be the plot. all that says about you is that you're either a lazy person who gives up hope really, really easily or you don't give a fuck about anyone.

Again, even more reason if it was thought lost, that people, especially members of their family, would go searching for them....

apparently, Ellen Ripley searching for her mother who has been floating around in space for a couple decades by retracing her tracks back to LV-426 is too far-fetched a plot line...

Stop trying to make Miley happen. She's not going to happen!

Again, a piece of world class 'reporting' from Jezebel, cause, as a guy, I too have a hard time orgasming during random hookups.

hahahah "thanks to rising sea levels" of course, cause, you know, MOST OF THE BAY WASN'T UNDER WATER LESS THAN A 100 YEARS AGO. Even if levels did rise, SURPRISE! We'd just do what we always did, and dump more trash into the bay! So if anything, the BAY is going to shrink.

TEHEHEHEH you think all white conservative men wouldn't vote for a black president. Please, tell me all your logic on white people, I need a good laugh.

This on every level.

an actual logical question. This is in Jersey, so while she can probably drive, I would imagine, as a woman, she'd probably be treated better in saudi arabia(take that you jersey bastards). I must add though, it kind of shows the intellectual capacity of some of the commenters when their responses consist merely of

"doesn't have any of the baggage of being Pakistani".......ugh....?

try having Nicholas as a first, and Richard as a middle name.

"come out and play"

.....this is a bad joke, right?.......right?

This is actually a really good point. Go figure its Elon Musk, so fanboys are always going to grovel at the mere sight of his name, but if you're right, Musk either has a useless prop or a car the floats & can drive on water. Either way, not a real submarine...

ooooo Jezebel, you dumb asses. So you're going to judge someone you claim judges other people. Please, stroke your ego's a little harder why don't you.

What did you expect from giving your money to corporation in order to find cures for diseases and cancer instead of investing money into a national health system and hospitals?? Why wouldn't they sell anti-cancer products that cause cancer, when millions get donated by lazy ass American's who think that throwing money

ugh, what do you ladies expect from hanging out with a group of guys from a fraternity? I swear to space, this is like advice for the dumbest, most willingly ignorant women in the world.
