you glorious bastard
and....? They aren't the author's experience. Also, why, do you want some first hand stories of women being fucked up to men? no. Does it change what happened to these other people? no. Everyone on this planet does fucked up things to each other.
I do enjoy the fact that these rants are always done from the perspective of "my friend" or "someone I know" , as though you've never met, nor interacted with a man your entire life, other than the most stereotypical douchebags you could find on OkCupid, and from the sounds of it, what kind of backwater trash are you…
I believe this is the best drunken representation of Franklin's discovery of electricity… here, for you. you can put words in peoples mouths, but reality is a bitch. Musk is just a show man selling a product that doesn't work well. If you want to live in a state of denial, or even worse, ignorance, and safety and the well being of the crew is not our top priority,…
Isn't fallout just great! I mean, I'm not a mormon or nothing, but I am a cannibal, and I for one think it's great there is a game out there that shows the world the positive side of what the 'civilized world' calls 'evil', and not just me bashing someones head in as theyre screaming and crawling away as they are…
Ugh, Kurt Cobain also blew his brains out cause he realized that his message would be lost if he stayed alive cause he would have inevitably been labeled a sell-out, to which, why is 2013 the year of buy back into Nirvana?? did Dave Groul need some money or just the fame?? so, by defacto, comparing every male feminist…
seriously Jezebel, how the fuck are you complaining about parents being called out for the fact that they are letting their kids become fat??? CHILDREN are NOT adults, they are just doing what they want to do because they need to be taught what is right, which if you are their parent, YOU ARE A BAD PARENT. Period.…
hahahahahah those statistics dont even make any sense!!! LOLZ