Werewolf Bar Mitzvah

Ha! I saw The Crying Game with my parents.

It’s hard work to stay in top of evolving social issues. I understand the phenomenon of letting your views crystallize as you get older and stop putting in the effort to be curious and informed. Luckily there is a simple and effective method for not attracting scorn due to outdated views: shut the fuck up.

You're a freelance shill. Knowing the rule of thirds doesn't make you an artist. 

How does it feel to get strung up for possibly the dumbest crime ever? Donald Trump is taking time out of his busy “publicly confessing to actual crimes, then getting mad when people notice and ask about it” schedule to wonder how you could be so fucking stupid.

Move the fuck over, Daniel Day Lewis; there's a new sheriff on the block who's gonna knock your socks off with his Xtreme dedication to the craft.

I agree with you, buttstuffs666. 

You hate to see the two greatest heroes of 9/11 fighting like this.

I cried at Forrest Gump. I was exceptionally stoned and I’m not proud of it, but it happened. No, we did not go on a second date.

Parm fondue would result in instant and fatal sodium overdose. I heartily approve!

Being a dick to Rudy is the most humanizing thing I've heard about Trump. Fuck this shitass goblin and his pinky ring.

I’ve never read it, but I assume there are several chapters devoted to the subject. Along with entire sections adressing the moral perils of homosexuality, hip hop, and zippers. It’s not like these people would just make shit up to justify their bigotry.

The considerable and voluminous body of Jesus’ teachings regarding the rigid and binary nature of gender (I mean, he was obsessed, did he talk about anything else?!) were transmitted second hand by the gospels. Accordingly, this asshole’s complaint is denied, and probably treasonous.

Great, you just murdered Schrödinger’s catch.

This is astonishingly dumb. Like choke on your own shoelaces while getting dressed dumb. Like drinking bleach dumb. I mean, fuck...

I don't think you need to worry about that.

Putting out cigarettes on your own face to own the libs.

Spent all Saturday cleaning. Had family over for Rosh Hashanah, including several young kids, house is completely fucked now. I tried.

Pete, bubbe, nobody cares. Your input on these sites is a fart in the breeze, merely a passing unpleasantness.

Calling Blasey Ford a liar was a fig leaf, a lot of people just didn't care that he tried to rape her. 

Which has fuck all to do with your original point.