Werewolf Bar Mitzvah


Does it? Sorry. English is my first language.

When making comparisons, it's useful to refer to superlative examples. 

Praying on Twitter. On the scale of performative dipshittery, that ranks right up there with everything about Lea Michelle's existence.

I'm filing an amicus brief seeking the removal of "hater" and all substantially similar variations from the lexicon.

Narcissists are great. I invited several to check out my new reflection pond in my backyard, boom: instant flower garden.

Benny Johnson is like Bill Kristol for millennials. He has the amazing instinctual ability to be on the wrong side of every single issue. 

Doll Week?! Fuck. That. Noise.

I’m just pleased that the realm will be in the confident hands of a genuine war hero. Look at all those medals and gold fourragère and that big-ass chain. Dude probably singlehandedly took out a bunker of Nazis with nothing more than a swagger stick and received pronunciation. 

An abandoned colonial-era coastal resort in Djibouti. On the edge of the sea, at the end of the world, falling to pieces, sparse desert vegetation and blowing sand slowly reclaiming its space. It looked like a Chernobyl village, furniture and luggage and carts and plates all in use one second and abandoned the next,

Maybe it’s an and instead of an or. Like repent your sorcery and we’ll strangle you out of mercy before burning you at the stake.

Macy better tape some magazines around his torso because Felicity has had 11 days to sharpen a toothbrush.

Conservatives just want to go back to a simpler time when men were men and sheep were scared.

I’ve more or less decided to ignore any music made this century. It's working okay so far.

My parents’ neighbor has a few horses and a donkey. While the horses are very gregarious, the donkey continues to ignore to my offers of friendship. His aloofness fascinates me. Also he stands outside in the snow, I think to show the horses that he's better than them.

I was in bed, awake but still very sleepy, lying on my stomach, when my cat jumped on the bed and walked over my legs. I could feel and hear her. Then awoke a little more fully and I realized I’d moved out of my parents’ house 20 years ago and hadn’t had a cat in the time since. Conclusion: I have a ghost cat, which

Crouton seems like a lovely soul, but I'm more interested in Mojo the donkey. Donkeys are very underrated in today's society. They pack a lot of subtle charisma into a small (w/r/t equines at least) package. 

Pick up a copy of All The President's Men next time you're in a bookstore.

Facebook is unequivocally bad. Sheryl can fuck off with her hundreds of millions to survey the damage her own policies and actions have wrought.

I was at a university farming complex and I saw a cow that had a stoma cut into its side so that you could see directly into one of its stomachs. That's basically what Trump's Twitter is.