Real question: is this performative stupidity, or is she really this dumb?
Real question: is this performative stupidity, or is she really this dumb?
Peg would be scandalized if she saw a girl drinking a Roy Rogers instead of a Shirley Temple.
One time I ate a three pound burrito. Basically same thing.
I get that the internet is infinite, at least functionally, in the sense that it’s not going to fill up to capacity, but sometimes I wish it would so this person would wither up and blow away.
Nothing like the shame of hating what you’ve done, and knowing odds are you’ll do it again. I feel for you, Doc. Good luck brother.
It's not a hypothetical. Baby Jesus has run for that seat several times, and always received exactly 5%. Not much for reading comprehension, are you?
MN GOP types are a hopelessly confused bunch. If baby Jesus himself ran as a R in that district, and promised a truckload of blowjobs for every voter, he'd get about 5%. Good luck, nutjob.
I prefer my diamonds to be of a slightly different size and color and cut. I also prefer slightly different bits of metal to hold the diamond of slightly different dimensions and appearance to my finger. Anyone who disagrees is a philistine.
No way he took it out. I knew dudes who slept with Copenhagen in.
The shoe is fine. Don't make fun of people with scoliosis.
The 50th percentile hybrid III dummy weighs 170 lbs, exactly the weight of your "average woman".
The India - Pakistan solution, truly a marvel of peaceful transition.
Good thing these disingenuous shills were given a national platform from which to disperse a fine aerosol of military-grade bullshit. Finest kind, CNN.
Jackass arty officer who was only there to burnish his resume. As a grunt, fuck you sir.
I’m sure Nancy will be super broken up about it, but it sure would give her the political capital to get the ball rolling without the dreaded electoral backlash she’s so fucking scared of. It's all just political gamesmanship to her, same as Mitch, she just happens to be less of a shit with her views on the rare…
The US Marshals are funded by Congress. There would be little to no political backlash if the next budget included exactly $0 for them. They should mind who actually feeds them.
Maybe it's nostalgia, but he's the best I ever saw.
I’ll vote for Democrats, but fuck if I’ll ever call myself one. Jesus...these fucking incompetent embarrassments are somehow the better option.
30+ years wapped out of his tree; I’m not even mad, I’m impressed.
“She's not racist. I've never seen her run. She probably doesn't even own athletic shoes. I'm very fast, very fast, maybe the fastest, a lot of people would agree. I'd probably win in a race against her, then the fake news would say I pushed her down at the starting line. Very bad media. Anyway, when is lunch?"