I'm pleased that Andy hasn't let the prospect of a huge inheritance snuff out his dream of being very good at reading news to a television camera and occasionally rolling his eyes at very stupid things.
I'm pleased that Andy hasn't let the prospect of a huge inheritance snuff out his dream of being very good at reading news to a television camera and occasionally rolling his eyes at very stupid things.
Does this mean I can stop paying my student loans now?
I knew a few guys during my time in the military that went on to work for CBP. They were complete sacks of useless shit, every single one. CBP is basically a jobs program for otherwise unemployable vets.
Looks like you're the only one whining, champ.
This is a reaction piece to an op-ed, you ninny.
This guy has been a shitbag for years. Hilarious to see him finally get checked.
If your self improvement is only done for social redemption then it’s fake and worthless anyway. Meanwhile people continually abuse bad faith insincere apologies as cover for shithead behavior.
His consciousness ceased to exist, the atoms of his bone and blood are no longer organized as such, his memory will not exist more than a blink. You only distress yourself by considering him.
Combined with the fact that every single aspect of healthcare has been intentionally shrouded in layers of obfuscatory bullshit for decades. It's almost like keeping people uninformed is a part of the plan.
I'm happy that he's happy, but I neeeeever want to meet this person.
Knock yourself out.
He just want nice girl to make fuck on. Why are you bad to him?
It's almost like he's a malignant liar devoid of any human value whatsoever.
Hopefully the kid survives to sue the dumbshits who brought a 2 year old to a baseball game.
Mongo love Jake?!
Air lats with co-morbid Napoleon complex, exacerbated by a lifetime of paternal neglect and scorn. It would be sad if he wasn’t such a vile turd.
She didn’t spend $100k on it. It’s a $5k necklace the jeweler gave her for some Instagram sponcon.
Religion is just another avenue for people to indulge in tribalism. Good luck getting them to give that up.
Borderline. You
Bless your simple heart.