
The story itself isn’t Rachel was calling out though. It was the headline and framing of the story that erased her individual achievement in favor of the proposal that was the problem. Had the headline and arc been something like “Zi wins silver for China in diving, accepts medal and proposal on podium” it would have


White men getting offended over other people getting offended is the most pussy shit of all. Just fucking get over it.

I’m not saying Trump isn’t racist! I’m just saying it’s a sad time in history now that racism is generally considered a bad thing.

Old Man Yells at Chair

I’d almost have more respect for the racist crowd if they’d just own the fact that they’re racist. Instead, they want to “pussy” out, to channel Clint, and pretend that what they’re doing and saying isn’t wrong.

Obvious comment is obvious.

*I have never, and will never understand the desparate need for uniforms in the (non-Culinary/non-customer facing) work place.

Coworker of the cosplayer; I saw the whole thing go down. So perhaps I can clarify a few things I’ve seen brought up in other comments:

Did you read the article? They changed the dress code after the fact. I mean, brush up on the reading comprehension a bit if you want to call someone an idiot.

The irony of the people insisting she should have read the job’s requirements before agreeing to the job, not reading the article itself.

You seem like a person who lacks empathy, and enjoys the suffering of others.

if you knew anything about America you would know we don't invest in things like public safety. Nice try tho

Hire security for a public park?

1) Why wasn’t Wun Wun wearing something resembling armor?

So you are saying that violence IS more acceptable than sex in terms of appropriateness of viewing? If I gave you a choice of showing your children hardcore porn or ISIS beheadings, you think the beheadings would somehow damage your children LESS?

The cosplay itself is good, but the photos are so Photoshopped it’s making them look not quite real, like they’re turning into actual video game characters.

I am more concerned with the huge amount of post-production done on these images than I am their being NSFW.... Seriously, at what point do you stop calling it “cosplay” and just call it Digital Art. (no “?” since the amount of PP on this is insane)

This NSFW post brought to you by the Hunchback Beautification Association.
Hunchbacks: they’re sexy too.

Came for NSFW left mildly titillated. Where do ya’ll work, schools and churches?!