
The thing about the Forgotten Realms is that they tend to try to give it a sense of history, each edition builds on the events of the previous one (personally I find it silly, it’s a fantasy world where to play and that’s it, countries have their history of course but I don’t like that published books have to change

Looks like “Esta sepultura deram os fillos D. <name starting with D>.... falleceram.... 1539”. First bit could be “Está sepultado....” instead

It’s a tombstone, with typical tombstone text.
Either “This tomb was placed by the sons of Lord D-something ... died ... 1539” or “In this tomb lies ... the sons Lord

Sexy. I’d hit that

This was quite disappointing... I was also expecting TV.

In fact this new style comes from the Aymara native people. Most come from the countryside and in the past have been discriminated and pushed out into the poorer areas of Bolivian cities.

Because that's what Game of Thrones is all about, apparently: killing off characters at random, and upsetting the fans :P

They're great scientists, but dancing is really not their thing :P
She has a great voice though

Yup, more powerful magic items require attunement and you can only be attuned to 3 items, no more.

No it doesn't! Love doesn't include an element of possessiveness, that's just something that people assume and society allows. Possessive love is sick love

oh my gods that's the bestest thing i've seen this year!!!!!!!

They were in the middle-east, bordering nubia, of course many of them were black!

In my experience they would take that long, yes. Unless you are able to play twice a week, every week

Who's this one?

You have a very strange sense of fun...

Not necessarily, as long as people take those stories for what they are: mythology. The function of a Myth is to explain the world and why we are here, in a spiritual way. They're not supposed to be taken as history.

That's why it's called mythology.

And a long nose like a trumpet


That's awesome! :D

And actually, what's popular is to say that people hate Apple anytime someone criticizes them for doing something wrong. Apple creates very good stuff but they are not gods, they do make mistakes sometimes