Wendi Muse

Several candidates released statements late last night. Pretty sure that waiting until damn near noon the next day EST is pretty patient.

Wendi just wanna say that LeftPOCket Project is really wonderful and I’ve learned so much from your crew — thanks for all you do!

Also - Bernie Sanders supporters are the least likely to support Trump.

Did we read the same article here?

The documentary’s title, which roughly translates to “Enough With the Catcalling,”

Being a woman and also a boss is not enough, if you’re just as exploitative and terrible as any other boss.

I don’t want to sound like a hater because I was really a fan of the brand from the beginning but it’s hard to see someone like Amoruso being hailed as a champion for #girlbosses when Nasty Gal faced multiple discrimination lawsuits from former (female) employees.

Right, put Hillary Clinton on a list of radical women, one of whom lost her life because of Clinton’s actions as Secretary of State. Not to mention Sarsour is a Palestinian woman, and Clinton did fuck all to help women living under the Israeli apartheid regime. Classic early-mid 00's style white feminism.

Okay, but one side is praying, and the other side has untrained “security” with dogs, they have tanks and rubber bullets and guns, and they’re the ones committing violence and actively destroying the sacred sites. No consequences. What now?

Agreed. I think I have more of an issue with the copy than anything else. Like most here have noted. That woman would need an actual perm to have curls tight enough to even resemble a fro never mind the lift African hair offers. Just don’t call it an afro because it aint and save yourself the drama. Are we still

You can get hyper analytical, but it seems pretty clear that Bill has mistreated women for a long time and Hillary has done her best to be part of the machine that keeps him clean enough (and in the process rolling over those women) that they can accomplish their political goals in spite of his behavior.

Sorry. Oversensitive with the entire internet calling Brazil a zika-infested shithole nonstop.

Depends on the city. I am in Brazil and it is 40F right now, so I am pretty sure you’d be ok.

Thank you for your enlightening words on this subject: Its one that black and white women need to discuss among themselves. Will pursue Thavolia Glymph’s Out of the House of Bondage.

He also actively suppressed efforts to recognize other groups victimized by the Holocaust, and actively, enthusiastically advocated for Israeli settlements to ethnically cleanse Palestinians.

And the Roma and gay people in the Holocaust, but you will just get ignored or dismissed for bringing this up.

While he is rightfully remembered for his powerful writing about what he witnessed during the Holocaust, I think it’s important to also remember that he had a profound blind spot when it came to recognizing the suffering and oppression of Palestinians.

“Good in the 70s”? You sound like the kind of person who votes for Bolsonaro.

I used to work for a consulting company directly connected to PSDB (though Temer is PMDB, we all know the impeachment coup is led by PSDB) and part of my job included contacting prominent conservative US political figures, Henry Kissinger among them. This was 20 years ago, so it just goes to show how closely tied PSDB