Wendi Muse

And they’ll ignore the hundreds of years of foreign interference, colonialism, slavery, and the US-backed coup and say that all of the country’s problems must all be down to an inferior culture. That phrase “retrograde culture” just made me furious.

Americans (USA) are clueless when it comes to Latin America. Liberals, who might be considered natural allies for women’s rights in Brazil, are basically silent about the US-backed (Obama), right-wing coup in Brazil which has installed a ‘white minority’ government ruling over a black-majority population.

Thanks again, and good luck!

Thank you, I’ll look for that! I am surprised I have not read it already.

With rape being one of the reasons, and a wholly justifiable one; but in this instance, as the straw that broke the camels back.

Since I can’t no longer edit my original comment, I’m replying to myself to add a bit that I had not noticed earlier: on Mrs. Lutkin’s article it says:

Brazilian here. Although the article is factually correct, I think it would be useful to expand the information a bit, in order to get more context. Since I already sort of did that with my comment in the article about the Italian woman burnt alive by an ex-boyfriend, here it goes:

Women are arrested for human trafficking regularly. A friend of mine in NOLA is an advocate and posts articles on it all the time. It’s pretty horrifying.

It is unsolvable for Hillary because Bill is not talking about what she would do as president, but what he did and now defending it. We were up against crime at the time. Lots of it. But the solution ended up exacerbating the actual problem.

Hindsight is 20/20.

BLM is the sole reason these issues are even being discussed on a national level right now. I’d say that validates their methods, however inconvenient they happen to be for political campaigns.

lol no

Then we got 8 years of corporate paid for shill. Won't get fooled again.

Except that Hillary, unlike Obama, is also raising money from lobbyists, something which Obama specifically banned in 2008. Earlier this year, the DNC also opened the doors to contributions from lobbyists:

It’s not just private individuals who are raising money for the Hillary for Victory PAC. Earlier this year, the DNC also opened the doors to contributions from lobbyists, which Obama had banned in 2008:

This is my entire problem with politics. And I think it is A LOT of peoples problem with politics. It is just a big bullshit game of, WELL IF THEY CAN BE TERRIBLE WE SHOULD TOO. Like yes, other people do really shitty unethical things that doesn’t mean it is okay. That doesn’t mean it is right and nothing will ever

I hear a lot about ‘Bernie bros’ and how intolerant his supporters are but HOLY CRAP, I see so many people attacking his views and his supporters. This whole things is so gross.

I think it’s obscene that you think so little of the opinions of the working poor.

I love you and your username.

I dunno what happened to Jezebel since I got re-grayed, but it seems that right-wing apologetics have taken over and a $350,000-per-chair fundraiser—even unholy by Republican standards—is now just “how the sausage gets made”.