Wendi Muse

i’m a black woman from the south. i don’t need any lessons on fear over what the democratic party does or doesn’t do, nor do i need to learn more about what trump has done. i am well aware of his ills and those of the administrations before him on my community and countless others.

Thank you! That is very kind :)

again, we have an electoral college. national votes that went to her were largely irrelevant. the biggest problem was about people who were potential dem voters staying home. this has been addressed by writers/researchers like malaika jabali repeatedly.

the issue was that both parties nominated candidates who had some of the lowest (if not the lowest) favorability numbers in election history. we also have an electoral college, which i am sure you understand royally Fs with the democratic process. if the election were run based on the popular vote, then we would be

the majority of bernie supporters voted for clinton and in higher rates than clinton ppl voted for obama in 2008. more of them defected to mccain than sanders voters went to trump. you are peddling a long-dispelled lie.

Someone has likely already raised this, but what was modcloth’s policy on sweatshop labot? If their mission was about treating women fairly in employment, which seems to be one of thei big selling points (and beyond the style options, a reason why a lot of people commenting here felt good about buying their stuff),

so just FYI, the latinx thing is not, to the best of my knowledge, a bougie super PC US-based folks invention. i have seen it used by spanish and portuguese speakers based in latin america and the caribbean for years, pre-dating our use of it here, in writing by people who are queer and/or involved in some way in

it’s winter in brazil right now

oh and i forgot to add:

yesterday, after seeing her tweets about wearing necklaces (“adornments” she called them, which she reserved for “africa” (the country?)), an ethiopian young woman called her out on this. said young woman and i follow each other on twitter and i saw the tweets, after which debra messing repeatedly re-tweeted the young

and to add, while some of that evangelical wave came by way of early 20th century european migrants in the south, a lot of the more recent growth was catalyzed by missionary groups

while i think this is a tad reductive, some of your claims have contemporary historical backup, i.e.:

not every other country in the world has

um, this is connected

thank you - i used to blog professionally, but when i started grad school (MA & now PhD), that killed any free time i had to write as much.

ok, noted. i will be sure to ask!

i discuss this a bit in my piece re: the intersection between beefing up policing in poor neighborhoods that has been proposed after the rape and the additional policing for land removal/ “security” in anticipation for the olympics (as also occurred during the world cup) (aka it doesn’t help poor women at all)

to clarify - you mean w/ regard to the rape as one of the reasons or in general?

ugh bolsonaro. it’s rather ironic that he called for the castration of these guys considering his own history of rape/praising sexual assailants (ustra). i also literally laughed outloud when i saw that temer was promoting a department of the federal police to combat violence against after the incident considering he

fyi, i’m currently in brazil for research and have been following this case closely. i will be at the protests in são paulo to talk with participants. if you have any questions you’d like for me to ask, please leave them in the comments on my piece: