Wendi Muse

bill sucks, but his response to these protesters (which, btw, are actually *not* part of blm) is not that different from hillary’s to ashley williams, the young woman in mn, or eva resnick (greenpeace activist). they are cut from the same cloth.

what? his campaigning in 2008 was mega racist...

nothing says “yas queen” like supporting wars & coups!


or possible “not black enough.” i’ve seen that one a lot as well (“but other black ppl love hillary clinton, so...”) as proof that anyone who doesn’t agree with her should turn in their black card.

haha hmmm... “self-hating” feminist? i have seen that one lobbed at a lot of women who rightfully criticize hillary clinton’s policies. i think that one would be their choice.

+ michelle alexander and greg grandin.

yup. revisionist history at its finest...like a lot of other things i have heard her say as of late.

and they are a leftover of the 2008 campaign. google “obama boys” for fun.



Marian wright edelman would like to have a word with you:

also of note: bill clinton and & rahm emanuel, last.freaking.night.

also, there is a serious case of selective amnesia in the press on these debates/town halls. things clinton said that need some serious consideration:

and was STILL taking private prison money until DREAMers and Black Lives Matter activists called her out on it

not to fulton because i feel for her and understand that in her frustration with what has happened to her son, she has a right to feel however she wants, but ppl who have taken this in a really messed up direction in general (and i am including the mainstream press in this as they are very much a part of this):

someone please tell her that hillary is getting help from nra lobbyists who made sure gun control legislation was thwarted

zimmerman was a racist, trigger-happy community “vigilante” with a brain chock full of black stereotypes based on representations of poor black people that are rooted in slave era ideas about black criminal pathology.

1) support mass incarceration

bc lots of black people don’t support #blm either