Wendi Muse

also, for everyone wondering about the “black vote,” please know we are not all alike. i support sanders for about 10000 reasons and voted for him. i grew up in the south. my entire family is black. and we don’t agree on a lot of things. black southern voters are overwhelmingly more conservative on many issues so as

i mean i get that, but then does martin’s mom know/care that clinton has nra lobbyists fundraising for her? this is what is missing in some instances. i read that in some of these cases, clinton reached out directly to the moms preempt protest. and then they connected and she brought them onto her side. this was true

this time they didn’t though. voter turn out was super low. in SC, only 13% voted.

some thoughts, in no particular order:

yeah, don’t do that. you’re talking to a black person who lives in the south and who doesn’t love hillary clinton. the 13% of voters who showed up in south carolina, black or otherwise, don’t speak for all of us, nor do i intend to speak for them. i am talking about clinton, not black voters.

oh no, that’s the specific part i was laughing at, that hillary clinton wants to help black people.

Hillary Clinton) — i.e. the people who already want to help them

the article was written before the caucuses in nevada, a time when the campaigns were 50/50 in terms of projected votes. the date is right there on the article.

i guess all the activists and academics here and abroad who have been speaking out against the same thing (how identity has been used to serve neoliberalism and war) for decades and have some personal vendetta against clinton too?

this is a magical set of sentences. thanks for posting them and the link here. this is exactly how i feel. i am tired of my racial or gender background being used to empower someone who will continue to harm people like us here and elsewhere. not in my name...

she’s not. obama got it hard in ‘08 (a lot of it fueled by clinton’s campaign; feel free to google this as there is a sh*t ton of documentation from them and in retrospect of what went down in ‘08) and any paper that has endorsed clinton (and even those who haven’t) have been going very hard on bernie. the nytimes,

sorry, but being a woman doesn’t mean you can empathize with other women. why do you think women of color have been complaining about white privilege and classism in the feminist movement for so long? it certainly didn’t help her empathize when she campaigned for welfare cuts, which directly impacted poor women of

once super tuesday is over, the tune will change. black people who?

it’s not like the tea party to ask that politicians be held accountable. as i have said over and over, when politicians on the republican side vote over and over against gun control measures, even those leaders whose very towns were impacted by a lot of gun violence, we look into their records, do we not? we look at

good piece, and similar to one that was on the nation today regarding some feelings of ambivalence about hillary from some feminists.

oh no, i like sanders. but we were talking about hillary (remember the original post?) and i don’t consider citing facts “knocking” a candidate. it’s telling the truth and considering it as one makes a decision about whom to vote.

btw, in case it was unclear, i am saying clinton protecting children from traffickers if true if you consider that returning home meant they would die. if they are not alive, they can’t be trafficked. also, there was no “vote” on this. she was not in the senate when she said it. it was a statement she made in 2014,

yep. it’s true. i suppose they are out of harm’s way if they are not alive to suffer it.

and this: