Wendi Muse

this reply is for BurningTurning, but kinja keeps re-routing me to reply to the article’s author (julianne). is this happening to anyone else? anyway, i agree with you and (attempted to) starred your comment re: obama. i would say, though, that perhaps we are talking to different latin@s. (that is a joke btw, bc

yeah. this was a big moment (i mean, if you care about foreign policy and immigration, which sadly, many native born u.s. americans don’t). i am happy that sanders brought it up bc it’s something that has been boiling under the surface for a while now. her statements were kind of brushed under the rug for a minute, as

i mean, a lot of the anger comes directly from her response to the refugee crisis involving central american children. she dug her own grave on that one and oddly continues to defend her statements (instead of just saying, “i shouldn’t have said that. i did not fully understand the depth of the problem at the time” or

you mean like the rumors the clinton campaign started in 08 about obama being a foreign-born muslim? like that?

i am not sure why the comments from some troll are relevant here. there are clinton supporter trolls too. the bottom line is, there needs to be more transparency in politics and people need to be held accountable. this is a bigger problem for some candidates than others. that is an undeniable fact at this point. it’s

on that note, what are your thoughts on gutierrez?

that line wouldn’t matter as much if some women would stop yelling about how women who choose to vote for sanders should get their feminism card revoked. this just in, literally from *today*:

and he should be held accountable for that.

also, pls show me where sanders has taken money directly from the financial sector...

i am calling them what they are: politicians who take money from corporations and lobbyists that directly hurt the black community.

i didn’t call them dirty prostitutes. you did. so that’s on you. i presented facts on their backgrounds and what have influenced their endorsements. black activists have long been critical of the CBC for these very reasons. and you are the second person to throw that 170 black women leaders list at me. well, as a

that’s a terrible example. almost all of them are beneficiaries of lobbying money or lobbyists themselves for many of the industries sanders stands against (one works for navient, a student loan corporation, while others work as pharmaceutical lobbyists). several cbc members abstained from the vote and spoke out

Now playing

omg i just found this! glad i am not the only one who saw it. too bad stassi is still a big old B, though (and i say that as someone who is not into any of the clintons, but i am not down with insulting women over their looks)


ok, full disclosure: this comment is not related to the article at all, so my apologies in advance.

and this is why i am very afraid to put my kids, should i ever have any, into school. i will have to keep a secret camera on the child at all times so when they hear this crap, i can subsequently intervene and unenroll them before it’s too late.

and in a wild display of voting against one’s interests, i saw a gay young man from SC on msnbc last week advocating for trump. i guess xenophobia, islamophobia, and racial hatred trump everything else...[screaming on the inside]

pls go back and read my first comment. thanks, and have a good one.

ok then. if you think it’s “self-serving” to point out how black women are disproportionately affected by police violence as well, that is your right. but i get nothing out of pointing out that black women get raped and killed by police. it’s not a competition. it’s an acknowledgement that stereotypes about danger