Wendi Muse


i am not going to play oppression olympics with you. that’s not my aim and now you are distorting what i started out and continue to say: the comments of the original poster overlook the ways women of african descent are also impacted by police violence, and yes, even when compared to white men. also, if we are

the magnitudes part you cited above is factually inaccurate, but that aside, i will address your point directly to me. we were discussing why biracial women might be likely to identify a certain way vs. men. so the way women of african descent are portrayed is importance in this particular discussion. and to wave

Now playing

pluralizing the clintons is appropriate here.

i see a lot of folks going in on you for using “Clintons” in plural form. they seem to have forgotten that both hillary and obama were against same sex marriage until very very recently. there’s a ton of footage out there (and written work) on how hillary clinton felt about it when she was in office as senator for ny

there are lots of dangerous stereotypes about women of color too. our womanhood is often denied in the process, and we are lumped in with men. we are seen as physical threats a lot as well, just like black men. police brutality toward women and girls of color as well as the responses of teachers and school officials

or at least start making more in-depth connections. how it goes back to water privatization, war, public housing, student debt, all of that. he has to string together these topics bc some people may not know they connect. i think economics are often seen as a separate entity.

all of this...it reminds me very much of the right-wing “obama is going to take all your guns!” theory people love to scream when anyone dares mention gun control.

and that neither of those things are negated by sexual interest/attraction...(on the contrary, sometimes even reinforced)

there’s no one mean enough left except for trump, whom i think will pull them all to his side.

i admit i will miss his clapbacks on the debate stage. beyond that, bye felicia!

i don’t know why you’re coming for me, especially considering i don’t agree with a lot of what he has done either.

yeah - i think that there are legitimate reasons to question the records of both clintons. that said, things get muddled all the time because they have critics on both the left and the right, often with different motivations but on the basis of the same claims. the wall street stuff, for example: people on both sides

no male politician? what about obama? people didn’t even think he was a citizen. for years. and some STILL don’t. even people who like obama have called for accountability on myriad issues. bill clinton was subject to a lot of scrutiny as well, from both the left and the right. i get that a lot is being asked of

this is like playing “Where’s Waldo?”

Yep- a particularly ironic move considering her statements on flint. environmental classism and racism are tied up in all of these questions of water and energy sourcing. some dots desperately need to be connected.

1) i am not lecturing her. i said i respect her opinion on intervention, but disagree with it and war in general. i know many people on multiple sides of war and i don’t think it’s a way to help people who are oppressed. it builds on pre-existing cycles of other oppression and only makes matters worse for a big chunk

i didn’t say anything about wars making me “uncomfortable.” my feelings on war are much stronger than that. but as i already said, you are welcome to your opinion. i disagree with you on many points, but am not denying you your experience.