too bad stacey dash didn’t get “cancelled” right along with her...
too bad stacey dash didn’t get “cancelled” right along with her...
and, like in most predominately white social spaces, the only black people are the ones hired to be there...
remember when beyonce had the word “feminist” illuminated behind her at a concert? remember how much press and general discourse that garnered? sure, it seemed like a rather empty gesture on the one hand, but on the other, the social impact of one of the most famous female celebrities (and black no less) coming out…
man, his white slavers are awesome! they gave him billions of dollars?!?! all my family got from theirs was a few british last names and light skin via rape! JEALOUS!
i agree
as for those they don’t kill*
and this is supposed to do what, exactly? police have used tasers on multiple occasions to kill people. as those they don’t kill, but injure, they often had no business using the taser on in the first place.
the line, “inside every overweight woman is a woman she knows she can be” is rather presumptuous, no? i mean, can’t be said of every woman? every human being? why must our aspirations be reduced to our body size? maybe that line applies to her, but not everyone. i know plenty of overweight women who are actually…
definitely. when i saw this article earlier and read that, i thought the exact same thing, but was too tired of the bs to leave a comment. it makes more sense these days to say that when a DARK skinned woman gets to a particular place in the entertainment industry, it’s a victory for all of us. i have light skin and i…
nope. i am from the south (not even that deep, the mid-south) and i didn’t even know people ate lamb until i was older. i am sure some smaller communities do (i.e. middle eastern immigrants, some jewish families perhaps), but in general, it’s not a popular food. what we eat for easter in my family is kind of similar…
nothing says the spirit of christmas better than hate!
yeah...the hand-wringing about white allies on this thread is pretty heavy. i mean, talk about being self-centered. it’s really astounding that even when we are sitting here talking about POC being literally hunted, they want to make it about themselves.
Go home. You’re too late to the party. This issue has already been addressed ad nauseum.
the issue here is that change does not happen overnight. this is just one stage of it: raising awareness (something i think they and others are doing rather successfully). this process is not about making people comfortable or happy or even gaining allies in the conventional sense (though they DO have non-black…
i wonder actually if there is a way to find out (from employees) what companies said to them about pay...there was someone on the thread who mentioned that his/her partner worked at the MoA and they supported the protesters. Perhaps if that person sees this, s/he can weigh in.
please re-read what i wrote. i am arguing that the defense of corporate interests over human life is a problem, particularly when such a defense is used against people protesting police brutality. i am not saying that the only way to show that you care about human beings is by participating in blm protests.
the mass of america sees any contestation of institutional or systemic injustice as young people overreacting. that doesn’t mean people should not express grievances for literally being hunted.
and another false equivalency - comparing protesters to muslims.
comparing a doctor’s office to a mall where open public consumption and no confidentiality laws apply is committing a pretty obvious case of false equivalency. also, protesters with BLM do not have a history of murdering mall employees, patrons, and security guards. so nooope.