Wendigo's Old Fashioned Humanburgers

The existence of a coach named Jeff Fish implies the existence of a coach in the NFL named Jeff Fishest.

Lowry with a seasoned take.

Here’s a good tweet:

Well look at the man with the golden fuckin’ sphincter over here guys.

If you’re willing to be the back half of a moose, I’ve got a plan...

No. 1 cracker is anyone who puts Wheat Thins at No. 1

I hear wounds from a Morgul blade never really heal.

True fact: Kellyanne Conway was the knife he used to stab the guy.

At least the name would make sense.

Good sports trolling is Good

Nazi jokes are getting old anne frankly I’m tired of them.

Too bad someone didn’t give him a Third Reich in the kisser.

Spencer did nazi that coming....


I saw Jolly Pup open for Imperious Cat at the Roseland Ballroom.

Things must be going fucking great in some alternate universe. Lucky assholes.

It should have been more words

Kelly Anne Conway thought it was a good idea to leave the house this morning dressed like a nutcracker, why the fuck would I take any of her advice?

Tiny crowds to fill his tiny hands

Nice work. I can’t even get my movements to control MY movements when I’m drinking.