"Jamaal Charles? Yeah, sounds pretty chiefly to me."
"Jamaal Charles? Yeah, sounds pretty chiefly to me."
"Well that was a lame insult to Ford. I could have come up with something much, much better. Earn the name, asshole."
"On with his head!"
Ball: [dips]
"It's a trick! I've got your number, Olbermann!"
Agreed. But piece of shit is a strong thing to call someone. He tried something, it, I think, was ill-advised, as I pointed out. And the person who said "dude" was CERTAINLY not close to being anything but a person making a mild rebuke to an error in judgment.
I agree. My main motivation was to defend Fidrych, a commenter I both respect, and who was supportive of me recently when I did something really stupid on this site.
I personally think if done properly humour can be found in ANY topic. Daniel Tosh did a rape joke that was shitty and got slammed for it. Louis CK does a rape joke that's hilarious. But you really have to be skilled to walk the right fine line to pull it off. I don't think I'm nearly skilled enough to try, so I…
I realize dude. Like I say I don't think you're a piece of shit and I like your comments, I just (as Erg pointed out somewhere recently) happen personally to believe that there are some posts that don't call for jokes. That's a personal choice for me, and I'm sure a lot of the big commenters on here will say the…
Let me see if I get this straight. The first poster is a piece of shit for making a joke about rape. I don't personally think he's a piece of shit, I just think he maybe used bad judgment in this case, and happen to like the guy. But whatever. What I don't get is how the person who didn't call him a piece of shit…
I said "game"
I guess that made Bill Conlin baseball's "funny" uncle.
You better move along, hunter guy. This bear is not playing games.
That's because he sits next to the Leafs bench and he fucking BLOWS!
Karlsson was once a great warrior. It's a shame that a heel like Matt Cooke damaged his achilles.
And that East lineup is, uh, interesting.
Daaaaammmmmnnnn those ladies are fiiiiiiiiiined!
That is one giant-sounding Imodium tablet.
Better than Prince Fielder's new nickname, "Fat in a Hat"