Wendel Clark Bar

Flair: Wooooo!

Um huh? Did you totally miss my whole point?


This drone is cool with us, bro


I'm glad Denver is planning on re-signing Bailey but referring to Sherman as simply a tool is a little classless, especially this week.

When dealing with earmuffs it's best to just calm down and dive right in.

Arguing with you people is like arguing with tree stumps. YES I GET THAT IT WAS HYPERBOLIC OBVIOUSLY NOT EVERY WHITE PERSON CALLED HIM THAT. Jesus you idiots make me sad. The whole point is he wrote an OPINION PIECE based on a CERTAIN AMOUNT OF EVIDENCE that was relevant to him both as a SPORTS STORY as this is a

It's like the entire world (yes, that is hyperbole, duh) has lost the ability to read words as anything but completely literally. You're an idiot. Go away.

I honestly didn't really have a problem with it except that that copy is written for those guys, and as I said some editor somewhere should have taken context into account. That's what they're paid for, and it was an easy issue to avoid. As was this. It's one thing to be overly PC, it's another thing not to use

Attempt 4 (this may be my favourite):

Attempt 3

Attempt 2:

Attempt 1: