Obama signing executive orders: a constitutional crisis from a man that thinks he’s a king.
Obama signing executive orders: a constitutional crisis from a man that thinks he’s a king.
The stupidity of his voters is truly mindblowing. The Republicans control both chambers of Congress and the presidency, and they still couldn’t pass this garbage law. The Democrats— much as they’d like to take credit for it— had nothing to do with its failure. It was infighting within the Republican party and the…
Is there a reason they only interviewed people in their 70s and 80s?
Broader question that I have never understood: How do non-medical professionals have the ability to legislate on medical procedures?
Question: How is banning the safest, most common method of abortion for the second trimester not in violation of federal law?
I really like “Millenial Pink.” I don’t know why, but I’ve got a feeling that it’s because my grandma loved Millenial Pink in the 90s and her house had it accented everywhere and the light went through the curtains in a lovely way. Millenial Pink is feminine in a way that escapes me personally, but seems mature and…
Not only were there no convictions, there were no charges or indictments.
I am an atheist but I hope that there is a hell in situations like this, and I hope those fucking guards burn in it forever.
Yeah. I think it’s is.
You know, walls don’t just keep people out. And I bet the Berlin Wall was pretty to look at in the beginning, too.
Not to stand on the Kinja’s OH GOD WE NEED MONEY affiliate show’s toes, but buying online from somewhere like The Ordinary by Deciem, and you’ll get one hell of a higher quality of product than Neutrogena for 1/4 the price.
Not to stand on the Kinja’s OH GOD WE NEED MONEY affiliate show’s toes, but buying online from somewhere like The…
This isn’t about cramps (though I am having them right now and self medicating with a 99cent brownie from 7/11) but Madeleine, can I please get ungrayed? I have been around for over 4 years now, I don’t engage with trolls and try to be a respectful commenter. Thank you!
This headline is so misleading and it’s so, so shameful of you to frame the situation like this. The GIF caused him a seizure. He’s epileptic. Yes, that is assault when you do something with the intent of hurting someone else, whether it’s just a GIF. That troll put him in danger knowingly. Epileptic seizures are…
What could you possibly mean by that? Berlin is one of the world’s most international, multi-lingual, progressive cities. You elected this moron. You. Not us.
Now that President Obama has moved on, it’s actually nice to see the new leader of the free world sitting in the Oval Office, and also Donald Trump.
I’ve been hearing that such and such is a death sentence for Republicans for 8 years now.
Signing this bill is a death sentence for Republicans.
They had 8 fucking years to get something together, and they created a 100 page document that looks like some high schooler wrote the night before their book report was due. Now they are standing in front of the class trying to persuade us they really read the…