
Thank you. For perfectly capturing my emotions, and giving me strength that I lacked. For real, this month has been hell. Thank you for your positivity and eloquence.

As a bartender in a metropolitan city in the Midwest, I have seen a huge and disgusting change in dialogue since the election. I have noticed that people (most all old white men) no longer feel the need to filter their language, and I have heard some vile shit. I never imagined that this level of racism and misogyny

Yep, the problem is “kids today”. Some days I spend just waiting for all the angry, old, entitled white men to die out.

We should be friends. Especially so I can justify my “beauty regiment” or lack thereof. “My friends do the same thing, and they are doing fine!”

I was so floored by the title of this article. My thoughts were, “I thought expressing blatant hatred and racism made you eligible for a promotion, not in trouble!” in the administration of our President-Inept. Then I read the article, sighed heavily, and drank more wine. Much more.

If Nick Cannon is your go-to guy for societal commentary, you have already lost this round called life.

What they lack in grammar they make up for in racism.