
Watching MotoGP as a wee one is what got me into riding; decades on and it’s still my favorite motorsport to watch and the only one I will not miss - as much as I enjoy Formula 1, it pales in comparison to the excitement and unpredictability of two-wheeled speed demons jockeying for track dominance. This season has

You Fahrenheiters are cute :D

The exceptions to this will be New England and the Great Lakes region, which will only have to deal with “seasonably warm” temperatures.

Growing up on well water in a large, very active family, we learned very early on for showering: get in, get wet, turn off the water, lather up (pure glycerin soap), turn the water back on, rinse and GTFO. Once high school sports rolled around, the rinse was cold. Still operate this way - done and done with a shower

Always used “be mindful” with mine with they were young. Still do, if I’m feeling the need to express a bit of parental vibe about a scenario or action being undertaken.

Among many hats I wear, one is as a high performance sport/S&C coach for almost 20 years - I appreciate the advice but I’m good with various technical approaches to lifts. Shoulder injuries from when I was a much younger wellgruntled which, in full youthful ignorance, I didn’t rehab properly is why I hate bench.

Not even anywhere close to being my most hated lift - given the option, I will choose front squat over bench press every day of the week.

Great track! 🎧

During that rest time, you can just wait on the machine. If you want to be extra polite, look around to see if anybody seems like they’re waiting for you to finish. If so, ask if they would like to “work in” (take turns) with you. Another way to be proactive about offering is to stand next to the machine instead of

Great race and a great season to watch so far!

Unrelated, I will heartily endorse “Everything, Everywhere, All at Once.” It was amazing.

I’m not in the market for a new vehicle any time soon but really wish I was..

Additionally, I do not take business calls on my mobile phone during work hours. I work in an office at a desk with a phone. Call me on my work line. If I didn’t pick that up, it’s because I wasn’t available.

I directly tell co-workers and managers that whether I have internet and cell coverage while I’m away or not, I will absolutely not be looking at (let alone answering) emails, texts or phone calls from work related numbers/addresses. Automatic OOO email replies are on, as is my v-mail greeting, explicitly detailing

Remember that you are not stuck in traffic, you are a part of traffic making as equal a contribution as everyone else there. (And calm your shit.)

My espresso machine can go up to 15 bars!

The bike on the far left appears to be a mid-sized upright urban standard, which is awesome.

Good stuff, Bradley! 

I totally forgot about these guys! Haha, cheers for posting this