
I experience so much mental whiplash when I switch back and forth between my low slung 650 lb Vulcan and way more upright 350 pound Ninja 500, but I kind of like it. Part of the fun to me is being reminded that different bike types can offer wildly different experiences.

Honestly, I wish he would go back to the golf course.  He needs to be lying with a pencil and not a pen again.

Every accusation is a confession

Why the fuck are Nazis and traitors in charge of my country? Trump should have been executed on January 7th, 2021.

Like Cheetolini did for most of his first term. 🙄

Seriously thought that was just a picture of a dumpster for a second.

Saying violence is never a good idea ignores that in a justified position, violence is the last resort. It should not be approached glibly, but to deny its power is saying the status quo cares for people and justice, and we know that isn’t the truth. But I digress.

As always, when it comes to motozooming, much better to sweat than bleed. Gear up, mthrfkrs.

I went to a motorcycle safety class about 10 years ago. At the start of day 1, they told us to put on all the safety equipment we brought to ride that day, then try to touch any exposed skin to the walls around the classroom. Any skin that touches, you lose in a motorcycle accident. Guy in the bowl helmet next to me

While not part of the thought experiment explicitly, I think it’s worth mentioning that the sensation of speed (and danger) can be far more exhilarating than smooth high speed travel. Comparing how it felt to go 155 mph on a motorcycle designed for it on perfect tarmac versus how it felt running an ‘83 Tercel, held

Sensitive Reader Butthurt After Reading Article About Politician Requesting Special Treatment for Parking Ticket on Car Site.

It’s true, I would never write about Menendez because I’m a partisan hack with no principles or morals just like you. Oh, wait:

The only thing missing from this gem of a write-up is a Torch original photoshop graphic

Elon should test his own rockets.

I think people overestimate the impact the names have in this case. The name might convince you to buy, but it’s how these systems work that lulls you into a false sense of security. I have argued with plenty of other Tesla owners that will swear on a stack of bibles that FSD is amazing and they feel so relaxed after

“... thus men become the architect of his own demise, but for the time, it was good...”

Yup, cowardice and paranoia are very much part of the equation. 

This country’s gun culture is fucking off-the-rails absurd. 

I mean, why not just give the people what they want: