
It’s gonna be a long four years, folks.

Love both versions - good choice for today, Owen.

Called the Oshkosh P-15, this enormous firetruck... measures about 45 feet long, 10 feet wide and more than 13 feet tall, making it more than one and a half times the size of your friendly neighborhood firetruck.

An excellent choice, Erin.

Same same.

Cool 😎

Pictured: Wellgruntled en route to work

If you ever get a chance to read his book, Ghost Stories - Travels on The Healing Road, do it.

Simply put: ride more, both in terms of frequency and distance. Too much inane nonsense got in the way in 2024 to commute much via motozoom let alone do any decent trips but the year upcoming should be clear of most of the silliness that ran interference.

Toyota KJhqd;JS*8pokgpoireq-

Learning opportunities! (he says as much for himself as anyone)

An excellent selection/suggestion! His very first album, Opalescent, still gets a ton of play in my home/car/ears and is worth a listen too.

Every listing, all on one page, like you’ve always wanted. Happy holidays.

Apparently, Tesla thinks it has a better chance of selling them to Canadians rather than Americans

As a long time motozoomer, I appreciate anyone with a platform sharing these sorts of things with the broader public. I have responded to this particular message about a half-dozen times and used it myself once when the fuel gauge on my old Seca II decided to start lying to me on a ride through (very rural) Maine.

That CBR1000RR makes me happy 😊

Worst driving experience in a foreign country? Getting pulled over in the US state of Virginia for no reason other than having out-of-country plates that the officer didn’t recognize (Ontario, Canada) and then being told my very-valid-and-perfectly-legal-for use-in-the-USA license (again, Ontario) wasn’t legitimate.