
I actually wrote the comment specifically hoping it would ruin your life. My work here is done.

I’m already in that coven, and always have been. You would not believe how I got teased in my teen years. Well guess who looks good for her years now, bitches!

Peppercorn guy really buried the lede there. An 1815 Canadian fur trade themed wedding? Photos or it didn’t happen.

I hope your asshole writes a bestseller countering all of your dick’s accusations, and that the two of them become embroiled in a decades-long media feud.

This one, for example:


Leo is aging like milk.


(Editor’s Note: Like I’m ever going to pass up a story that makes fun of Tim Hortons...)

I’m one of those people. I won’t eat any filled donut, bc of the sensation of the filling vs. the pastry. Eclairs are the worst- it’s like getting a mouthful of cum from a donut shop. No thanks.

I am SO happy! I have loved him from day one on SYTYCD and I have always felt he should he should be more famous than he is…ALSO

Forget Donald Glover, let's talk about Twitch! Yummmmmm

I’m not sure Cap is capable of sexual tension. Like, he wouldn’t even think of a woman that way until he married her.

I find him as handsome in that photo as I ever have in any other photo of him.

Oh my God. I think the worst part of that story is Russell getting all macho dickhead with the army kid. Can you imagine? “This isn’t your little pansy-ass ‘war,’ motherfucker, this is a CLOONEY FILM for fuck’s sake and if you can’t last in the big leagues then GET THE FUCK OUT OF HERE and go back to putting your life

On the other side of the spectrum, Russell also managed to make the relatively relaxed-seeming George Clooney so mad (also over the way he was treating other actors on set) that Clooney punched him. It seems like he has a talent for pissing off people at all points on the chill spectrum.

I just want him to rejoin normal society. Welcome back welcome back welcome back

wants the p***y, can’t handle the cat. wonder how often that happens?

You mean, in the same way Han Solo always has been just Harrison Ford in a leather jacket?