“scuse me while i kiss this guy” is what i always heard
“scuse me while i kiss this guy” is what i always heard
Hahahahahahaaha what the hell? I’m currently in the market for shells like that (conference time, hey) and seriously, 450$? Even if I get mega rich someday no shirt is worth 450 fucking dollars. A really good coat? Sure. A gown for a very fancy event? Yeah. A little silk shell? I don’t care what heirloom factory it…
But I like The Cheesecake Factory :(
I worked in a small "Greek" restaurant while I was in college. (I use the term "Greek" lightly because we served cheese fries and fried mashed potatoes with our gyros. It's the south, what did you expect?)
So I would just like to put this out in the world, BCO has made me a better diner and that makes me proud. On Friday I was out with friends, attending a Feminist/We Hate Men (not really, but some people think that's what the word means...) book reading. Afterward, giddy we went to a bar next door and made lots of…
Lindsay doesn’t want Dina in England, partly because she feels her mom is a bad influence
Clearly officers would be safer if they didn't have a weapon for the public to lunge at.
Beet juice?
Except she’s totally right. I work with kids/teens at a museum, and the more I work the more I realize how shit filled 99% of adults are. We do everything that kids/teens do, but we always give the benefit of the doubt to adult motives and never to a child’s. Adults behave terribly, then turn around and snark on kids…
I just got up in that age range (I’m 42, my kids are 21) and I realized something as I was on vacation last week: I LIKE this shit! I really like not having to bat off 22 year old dudes or feel competitive with other women or have anyone give enough of a fuck about my koolaid for me to have to worry about the flavor.…
I love teens, but they require a lot of patience.
She’s right, though. I sprung fully-grown from my father’s forehead at about age 25. #Athena
She’s right about this- most of us have forgotten what it’s like to be that age, and we don’t have a lot of patience for all the emotions that young people are going through.
Lorde & Taylor: Where your grandma buys her pantsuits and Chanel No. 5.
But it also doesn’t mean we shouldn’t call him out on this bullshit, either.
You know, I take serious issue with the fact we are calling this idiotic. The jokes he wrote weren’t funny, and they were definitely antisemitic and weirdly misogynistic for literally no reason. It didn’t even improve the stupid, shitty jokes. Had he been, say, a Republican staffer who was making inappropriate…
As a wise man once said, “Never Tweet.” (I think it was Jesus Christ.)
Along the same lines as Becca's story about people making assumptions about educational backgrounds, I waited tables at an Italian chain restaurant that falls between Olive Garden and Macaroni Grill in terms of cost/quality the summer between college and law school. Our clientele was generally pretty decent, and as a…
I'm proud to be an American, where at least I know my cheddar biscuits will be free. And I won't forget the men who died, so I can bitch about automatic gratuity.