am I the only one who kind of thought Benicio Del Toro kind of look like a 48 year old man 10 years ago. I mean I still would have. But the man never really looked like he moisturized.
am I the only one who kind of thought Benicio Del Toro kind of look like a 48 year old man 10 years ago. I mean I still would have. But the man never really looked like he moisturized.
I haven't heard Graham 'Galloping Gourmet' Kerr's name in ages. That is a blast from the past.
You don't have to eat the burrito with the umpteen billion calories. You can customize your food there (or pretty much anywhere) to leave off the shit that's really bad for you. But who wants to eat a burrito with no cheese, guac, etc. etc. etc. I say this as a person who made turkey "tacos" the other night. Yes, it…
I don't even pretend I'm eating healthy when I go to Qdoba (same thing, right?) I start off ok, with the veggie bowl, but then it becomes, "yeah sour cream and guacamole and queso and maybe let me just come back there and shovel fistfuls of shredded cheese directly into my mouth since I'm paying 10 fucking dollars for…
This is some brave shit.
It's me. I'm taking this one for the team. The title of Biggest Whore belongs to me and my line in perpetuity. Thus ends all debate forever of who is a bigger whore.
Right Honorable Agent Tremble, Biggest Whore
Yes I'm sure she understands everything that is written and spoken about her father.... except for the fact she's not even two years old, and has the word comprehension and attention span of a... wait for it.. TWO YEAR OLD.
I find it funny because it's true. Someone on that writing staff knows L.A. like the back of their hand, and it's fun to hear people on TV talking about stuff you know... in funny accents, natch.
First Captain America, now Rocket Raccoon. At this rate she's gonna have love 'em and leave 'em evenings with half the MCU before the year's over.
No, really, I do. It's super mild, though people really like to be healthy and substitute banana in baked goods, and then not tell me, despite knowing me and my allergy. So whenever anyone offers me a cookie I have to question the ingredients and then they look at me like I'm crazy like…
I'm a tremendous connoisseur of high quality snark. Absolutely love it. However, I'm thinking that Jack White's open letter was a genuine response to the release of the rider. The attempted pile-on strikes me as a bit excessive. I'm not seeing one-tenth the diva potential of Kanye West in Jack White's reply. No…
I feel like Jack White could figure out how to make kool aid if he really tried
I really don't think this would look anywhere near as bad without the crowbarred wisecracks telling me what I'm supposed to think between every paragraph. I'm struggling to find anything wrong with this, and I'm not even a Jack White fan.
Wow, I never thought I'd say this, but — Team White
I don't know you, but I know your situation. If his jealousy and paranoia ever escalates, GET OUT. Once it begins escalating it is a very short leap to violence.
Good for you, you escaped.
I am a survivor of domestic violence, and what you said nailed it exactly: