
Late 80s drop perm.

GW is the shit. Don't apologize for him.

Thanks for the encouragement!

I recently developed this, or something similar (I have not yet seen my GYN).

I honestly did not want this DirtBag to end.

Billy Crystal, an actor who's performed in black face as recently as 2012, finds the modern portrayal of gay characters on tv to be a little "too much" for him.

Thanks for the encouragement. I've learned more about what I should expect and demand for myself as a woman and a person from Jezzie commenters than just about anywhere else. You are all the shiznit, and I mean that with the highest respect.

Crap. I'd never heard of gaslighting before this comment. It's exactly what my husband has been doing to me for years.


I honestly thought it said "God protect the NSA," which for some reason made more sense to me, in context.

...the nice thing about being an atheist is WE DON'T BELIEVE ANYTHING and so don't have to try to indoctrinate others with our sectarianism.

Oh! I was just responding to what Burt said at the top of the thread. Lol.

I was born in 1965. That puts me 32 years into "old." That's a long fucking way down the "old" path...

Nothing makes me sadder than the fact that 1997 is the threshold for "old."


I dunno.

My guess is she was pranked. Probably her stoned teenage child, who laughed their ass off.

Oh! I forgot about DADA. I'd rock at that, 'cuz I'm not afraid of the dark. And Transfiguration, because then I wouldn't have to be an Animagus.

I am a Slytherin, and born in the Year of the Snake IRL. My goal is to be the most decent Slytherin, as I'm also a Libra and would feel a need to balance all the asshattery in that house with something not so douchey. That said, I am NOT afraid of the dark, but I suck at potions.

Baby, I hear you.