Sit down, Paper Tiger.
Sit down, Paper Tiger.
I would have guessed "le password."
I've had better.
I ate this shit.
"Bachelor's degree in animal science" = several pulls of Fisher Price See and Say.
The WelcomeShaqKotterers disagree.
But the turf is so cool. What is that?
Donnie Stumpo
It's a bird! It's a plane! It's Actress Woman!
Not as good as 2 Knights, 1 Cup
Grey should only be used in proper names.
And why doesn't he say "Let's get bizz-aaaayyyy"?
Clown Motel
They're afraid of charging bulls.
I'm with the band. Lose the Pokémon hat.
WASP the band?
The Skrulls are really into grunge.
Scored by MF Doom or GTFO!