
Some people actually enjoy learning and want to be educated. Shocking. I know. I don’t disagree that wages need to go up for every segment of the population but the top earners, but it's incredibly depressing that so many people view school as nothing but a stepping stone to a job. Education is a good thing in and of

Agreed. There’s a subset of people out there who want there to be an underclass and wants them to suffer. It’s the only way these people can feel smug and superior. A while back Gawker did a post on how giving homeless people a home actually costs less taxpayer money than letting them stay homeless. There were still

Big Business, Organized Labor, and the Tea Party are all sitting around a table. A plate of delicious warm cookies arrives. Big Business takes 11 of the cookies then turns to Tea Party and points to the remaining cookie and says "psst! Organized Labor is trying to take your cookie!"

Instead of what about the menzing all over the place when the discussion is violence against women, why don’t you discuss the issue with other men? 90% of murderers in the US are male. I believe it’s 95% globally. Instead of being a scold on women’s/feminist sites, why don’t you use your energy to challenge toxic

The headline should read DNC Does Its Job. Of course they're assigning staffers to oppose the candidates that have a chance of winning.

Life is sacred. Unless of course life preserving medical care gets in the way of denying birth control. Gotta love fundie logic.

Does it count if you're a fake redhead? Most redheads, including myself at the moment are.

It’s funny how Chris doesn’t understand (or at least pretends not to understand) that cable shows tend to be judged a little differently and pulling in huge ratings isn’t so important. Cable networks care more about buzz and acclaim. Cable shows tend not to get big ratings. There are exceptions like Game of Thrones

Is The Chew the one with Sarah Gilbert? I like Darlene Connor.

You also have to say "amazing" and "vulnerable" and make whatever your date is into a crappy metaphor for love.

We’re all very impressed that you don't know the names of any reality show cast members. I'm also so pleased that you lowered yourself to come here and share that with us. Honored, really.

The wife of that lion killing dentist is probably ordering one as we speak.

We're Canada without the socialized medicine. I kind of wish they'd adopt us.

I’m a Minnesotan and I don’t know a single person who thinks killing endangered animals is cool. I’m sure they exist here, but they’re not a majority.

I know plenty of football watching men who won't give two shits about this, but the manosphere tantrums should be amusing. They're constantly trying to claim entire hobbies, movie genres, the whole of STEM, and atheism as male safe spaces equivalent to a women only gym or self defense classes. I can't wait for the

Naw. "I'm so hungry, I could eat a horse" can be taken not literally because in the anglosphere, at least, people don't usually eat horses. Nobody ever eats an entire horse. But every day multiple women throughout the world - 3 in the US alone - are murdered by their partners. The statement is not absurd and

Seriously. That's one big red flag.

I’m all for not shaming any body type and not telling skinny women that they need to eat a burger, but every time there’s a discussion about body diversity or fat shaming on this site, the what about the skinny girls? types show up and make it about how bad thin women have it. It’s no better than what about the men?

Pizza toppings?

It’s weird because I don’t think anti-abortion crusading is even politically advantageous for him. The Pauls are supposed to the cool, hip, libertarian kind of conservative that appeals to younger voters. Making a big deal out of being anti-choice doesn't really jibe with that.