
Why did he go to a screening of Trainwreck, a movie starring a feminist women that has women as a target audience? Why didn’t he go to a screening of Ant Man?

It's a little hard for us not to think of "Nice Guys" as privileged assholes when they equate being called creepy or not getting laid with being raped or abused. I'm also getting awfully tired of these guys assuming that women don't get rejected and don't experience self loathing. No matter how many times we explain

The manosphere is constantly predicting with undisguised glee that the evil wimminz will cause a manpocalypse. There's a serious backlash against women and feminism happening and I'm so tired of hearing everyone wonder about motive when a man who's constantly spewing misogyny decides to go kill women.

I made a comment on Gawker connecting toxic masculinity and male entitlement to family annihilation murders and I got angry comments for a couple weeks. I can’t even count how many times I got called “cunt” and “bitch.”

It does seem like women’s bodies don’t regulate temperature as well. I never hear men complaining about it being too cold indoors. Only women. But I hear both men and women complaining about it being too hot. I'm constantly taking sweaters off and putting them back on. Sometimes every five minutes.

If an employer can dictate that their female employees don’t get BC coverage because of religious beliefs, does that mean an employer can refuse to promote women because they believe that women should be subordinate to men? I'm no lawyer, but it seems legally dubious to me to make birth control an exception. Why is it

It's telling how the thought never crosses his mind that his daughters know better than either their dad or the government what's best for their own bodies. Especially the 19 and 20 year olds. Although to be clear, I'm for minors having access to reproductive health care independent of their parents too.

These people are always hypocrites. I guarantee you that he'd secretly procure his pregnant daughter an abortion. They always do.

Oh definitely. I thought the fact that this would have never happened if she was white kind of goes without saying. Sorry I wasn’t more clear.

Femicommunazis are a hive mind. We are all Jezebel staff.

Well, he’s a nice guy. I’d hate to see his life ruined over a trifling little mistake.

I’m concerned that there will be no uproar over this like there was for Freddie Gray because she’s a woman. They’re probably right in assuming almost no one will care.

I like how the troll that replied to you is just copy pasting the same stupid comment all over the place.

I’ve looked for pictures of penis cozies before. That said, I agree with your point.

I seriously don’t understand the idea that kids should be protected from political debates. They should be learning about politics at an early age so they can be good citizens as adults.

Truffle fries could, in theory be good. I haven’t had synthetic truffle oil before though. Gyro flavor sounds more appealing than biscuits and gravy to me.

Sadly, yes. IIRC she was raised in it.

Elizabeth Moss :(

Agreed! I watch King of Queens reruns all the time and it's really mostly because of her. I've certainly never been interested in any other Kevin James projects. Remini, Jerry Stiller and Patton Oswalt really make the show.

I didn’t so much make a claim as I did reference current events. You're doing "citation needed" wrong. Anyway, I did provide a citation so what's your point? I just checked your posting history and see that you made an account just today to defend Bill Cosby, so I guess you don't really have one. At least not a worthy