
I shouldn’t have to provide a citation for a story that was all over the news mere days ago, but here.

This is why Subway Jared could talk about how hot he thinks middle school girls are without fear of consequence.

Was that a Donnie Darko reference?

Male tears and baby's foreskins. Duh.

I pointed that out to him and also pointed out that a lot of out and proud white nationalists call themselves "race realists" and he got all offended. It was pretty funny.

Don’t forget that he also thinks Beyoncé turns girls slutty.

Considering that I've been arguing with someone over at Gawker today who just made the claim that all he wants to do is have an "honest" conversation about why black poverty rates are higher than the poverty rates of other races, I had to snicker at this. Why do the racists always think they can pull this nonsense

T Paw really is a blight on the state's history. I suppose I should be grateful he's not as bad as Walker.

IIRC correctly, Iowa has a lower unemployment rate than Minnesota and Minnesota's economy is doing way better than Wisconsin's. So it doesn't really surprise me that Iowa isn't going to clamor for him either. Even Ohio is going to be tough if the turnout is decent.

Edina is actually very slightly Democratic leaning these days. Probably not in the very wealthiest neighborhoods though. There are definitely a lot of smug entitled assholes (regardless of political views) there though.

My cat thinks I'm a great snuggle buddy. WWTH for president!

On Meet the Press, some analyst type was talking about how Scott Walker could help bring the upper Midwest back into the Republican fold (when it comes to presidential elections). Hell no! I can't speak for Iowa and Michigan but here in Minnesota, there is no hunger for a Walker presidency. In fact, I did a little

He's an adorable dog and it's not his fault. But yeah, you're right.


That's me!

They also sometimes think it makes them experts in other subjects. Being an engineer doesn't make you an expert in psychology or anthropology. It's how so many people who fancy themselves rational end up spouting evopsych despite how scientifically dubious it is.

That's true, and as an atheist that depresses me. Ironic too, that a number of atheist are pretty much displaying the unthinking worship they're supposedly an opponent of when they act like misogynistic assholes in the name of Dawkins fanboyism.

I don’t know if there’s ever been any research into this, but just anecdotally, it seems like men in the STEM fields can be some of the most stubborn about not acknowledging that gender bias is real and has an impact on women’s careers that they can’t just solve by pulling up their bootstraps. They perceive themselves

I've seen other people ask to get ungreyed and get it, but I've asked a few times and, nothing. It's so bizarrely arbitrary. I got approved at Gizmodo after one or two comments and I rarely go there. I comment here almost every day. Oh well. Most of my comments get pulled out of the grey by someone anyway.

His great, great grandmother is a Cherokee princess, I bet!