weird girl

I had to think about this for a while before responding. I think a lot of it boils down to simple (ha!) chemistry/compatibility of the people involved, experience in doing poly, and ability to communicate and compromise. I don’t think I would be interested in doing polyamory with someone who was new to it and not

This drawing is the easiest way of explaining all the different terms that I’ve seen:

This is awesome! Thank you. :)

OMGGGG. I am making my first trip to New Orleans later this month, and this comment is making me more excited/impatient!

Have been doing poly pretty happily for a decade and a half, but I’m not in a closed triad. My BFF is happily in a closed triad. Unicorns do exist!

Exactly. (I used to live in Minneapolis.) Hennepin County has a larger proportion of Somali folks than do lots of other communities, but it’s still majority white..


Yes! I couldn’t put my finger on what bugged me about them. They look like they should be scrawled on in pen.

One can hope!

“Jones has said on air that “grass-eating” is a globalist plot to keep the populace docile”

YESSS. Wee, beady eyes!

Harriet! Har -rie -et!

Same with my school. I went to prom in 1998 and 1999, and it was mostly pretty tame, but one of my friends caused ~*~scandal~*~ by showing up in a dress with cutouts on the sides. Looking back, it was kind of tacky...

That thing about dressing up in slips and combat boots is SO something my friends and I would have done in high school. I think we would have been friends. :)

Yep. My dad died after eleven years of progressive dementia. He was a shell of himself, a skeleton. I always thought I wouldn’t wish this on anyone. But still... yeah.

For some reason, I read “orangery” and I momentarily thought of the White House...

Yep. We were little assholes - but we were little assholes without constant internet access. We kept our bullying to five days a week!

Ha! I was just going to post that comic....

Thanks for this. I am a cis woman and have been having trouble trying to describe exactly why these things are not.the.same, but you’ve done a better job than I ever could have.

Oh, that’s so sad. :(