I can’t resist dropping this: A friend’s neighbor is one of the TMZ leaks from the International Falls airport. Her boyfriend was working there when it all went down and said Pitt was drunk off his ass and did drive around on the tarmac in a fuel truck while Ang stood on the steps and screamed at him about what a fuck…
If she had, as you say, enough leverage already Brad would be, at least for the time being, agreeing to the drug testing and the psych evaluation since that therapist is reputed to be fair and on the side of children, not parents.
I’m not getting your point at all. If I felt my spouse was likely to endanger our kids, I’d hire whoever was going to get me the conditions that protected them and to hell with what fans I’m not responsible for think about me or my lawyers for doing it.
Definitely not shade. She’s just being a good friend letting Gayle know her necklace is not cute.
Well of course she forgave him. She wants to move on, stop being in the public eye, it’s perfectly normal. That doesn’t make him innocent and that dosn’t mean charges against him should be dropped.
How many of us have been in love with someone we should not be in love with? All of us? I’ve been carrying on a relationship with someone who I don’t love but I’m in love with the idea of us being in love. Does that even make sense?
If it’s any consolation, I think he’s still in love with her too and always has been.
...And then made sweet, sweet love?
And Prince Harry looks adorable as well. #swoon #ilovehim
I watch Ray Donovan! I enjoy it - it definitely has its moments.
If you want to look like her at age 52, not liking to eat gets you halfway there. (Starting out looking like Liz Hurley to begin with is the other half).
I was at boarding school for 4 months, which left me with emotional baggage that took most of a decade to shed. Horrible shit happened there and it cultivated some horrible responses within me.
Can confirm. Lived there 7 years, and now the whole family refers to it as “the hellmouth.”
The Jehovah’s did the same thing with Prince after his child died. :(
Actually, he did kinda leave once before. During his marriage to Kidman (who is a devout Catholic), he drifted away and they sent some guy to, basically, suck him back in. Shortly thereafter, he and Kidman split. His getting back into Co$ was rumored to be a contributing factor.
I mean, how bad can the dirt be? Does anyone really care if Cruise and Travolta are gay? They’re both beyond rich. They can just retire to a private island with their gay shame if they feel that bad about it.
They’re not draining him dry; he’s their best advertising so they ask nothing. His presence helps them fleece the masses. So they coddle him and give him thousands of hours of slave labor. He is tended to like a princess because of his clout. Why would he ever leave?
It’s 2016. I think if Cruise threw up his hands and was like, “I’m gay.” there would be the inevitable jokes and “we knew it!” from the public but, in the end, he would gain more respect for walking away from the bullshit.
I feel so bad for Kim, I know she’s enormously privileged and the whole family can be problematic, but this is a woman who through no fault of her own was attacked, whose husband is having a breakdown and it is now directly affecting her work and means of generating an income for her family. I know she’s got pot of…