
Yes. I think you underestimate the number of assholes in this country who have zero empathy for poor people and/or drug addicts. Would these same people invite the black hit man to dinner? Maybe not. But, they would have no problem with the black hit man killing off poor people and/or drug addicts. Have the read the

Hm, I’m pretty sure that I didn’t say that they were treated “the same”. But it does not then follow that white poor people are therefore immune from being marginalized and persecuted. In fact, they are already being economically marginalized and persecuted in this country. The simple fact is that failing economic

But what does it mean to be “dignified” and why is okay to police behaviour and sexuality of those who are X age? Why should she uphold societal expectations and definitions of dignity instead of resisting and doing what she chooses? Why was Prince’s sexuality always a positive and not hers?

Unlike, say, Steven Tyler? Iggy Pop? Keith Richards?

If you think that people will not turn on the poor and marginalized simply because they are white, then you are extremely naive and ill-informed.

ISIS to the left of me, Assad to the right.

Can’t both be true?

This is where I break with the Jacobin/ Intercept left. Aleppo was under horrific fire from Russia before the election. In the last year, Russian shelling killed more civilians than ISIS has in all of Syria, and twice as many civilians as the entire UAV drone strike program has since 2004.

I’d buy the lie that they care about babies if they gave a shit about it after it was born. But their policies prove they don’t. It’s about controlling women. They just keep using increasingly hyperbolic language to sell the baby-loving lie.

A blonde woman leaned over the guardrail to yell, “Better than killin’ babies!”

I hear you. I think that way about abuse too. And I’ve both been abused and sexually assaulted. Like I almost can understand murder? Being angry and then bam pulling the trigger and someone is dead. But I don’t understand why someone would do this or abuse someone. I also don’t get people that are already filthy rich

i still will never ever understand why people feel the need to drug and rape someone. if you’re a cool enough person, you’ll find someone who wants to have sex with you. (i say this an an uncool person who gets laid on the reg.) if you’re a nice enough person, people will let you touch their genitals. if you’re rich

I’m so sorry something happened to you <3 hugs from a random internet stranger

Yeah I had a recurring nightmare when I was deployed that something horrible would happen to my daughter while I was overseas fortunately it happened to me not her.

working in the service industry for 4+ years has pretty much ruined any holiday spirit i ever had.

I love her. I love love love her. Millennials will never get how much she means to those of us who grew up with her. Madonna forever ❤️

Oh Barbara, The View was petty and superficial from the word go. You’re the only one with an inflated sense of the show’s purpose and quality. Let’s not forget you unleashed Debbie Matenopoulous, Star Jones, and Elizabeth Hasselbeck on the world, now shall we? The View always sucked, always devolved into glib, trite

Wow. Like you said, sleeping with an ex would be better! That is awful!! I live in a small city and word gets around social circles fast. If someone did that to me I would be beyond furious, that kind of bullshit could potentially keep me from getting I job I deserved. If you live in any kind of environment like I do,

And there is where Isaak Asimov’s quote about ignorance and democracy really fits well: The strain of anti-intellectualism has been a constant thread winding its way through our political and cultural life, nurtured by the false notion that democracy means ‘my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge’.”

It was like drunkenly arguing with her boss (who I also know and have to interact with) over social media, with me sitting right there telling her not to do it because she would regret it. Two days later, she realized I was right and decided to try to save face by claiming that I stole her phone while she was drinking