
I love your choice of gif.

So you fecking american eejits voted for him and now you’ve changed your mind? Couldn’t have figured that out a little earlier?

I didn’t know this. Thanks for informing me.

Having ethics and morality and having a job are two different things. Just because she hasn’t got a job that improves the world doesn’t mean she doesn’t work.

He’s an addict. They are always in and out of rehab. Dollars to donuts it won’t take this time either.

So do I. It’s disgusting how much she’s hated right now. Even here. This is usually my safe haven.

They look skinnier than the original ones. I kinda liked Pamelas body more.

FWIW = Not a fucking thing.

They have a responsibility to combine their scorching hotness.

Look at her and tell me her motivation isn’t jealousy that other women are having sex. I dare you.

That’s heartbreaking.

Sweet Jesus. People do the weirdest things.

Seriously, seriously addicted to ADHD medicine. Remember how sane she was a few years back?

Do you have any idea why? That’s so bizzarre.

Since he hasn’t bothered to get me anything at all for Xmas/birthdays for years, nothing. Asshole.

He’s got a podcast?!! Why didn’t I know about this?

I read that link as Of course Carrie Fisher fist-fucked Harrison Ford. Kinda think it was more interesting that way.


Are those better than the cheap kind? I bought mine for 17.95. Maybe I’m hurting my hair more than I need to.