several other cases have also been cleared recently, and even more shelved because the suspect is dead
several other cases have also been cleared recently, and even more shelved because the suspect is dead
I’m sorry, are you actually doubting that child pornographer David Hamilton may have raped the prepubescent girls he photographed nude? Because Cliff Richard may have been falsely accused? And I’m not sure how it’s “breaking even” even if Richard is innocent. Jimmy Savile did the things he was accused of. Gary Glitter…
Wow excellent analysis. Ive had that theory about those who join Isis too. They’re suceptible to anything, isis just got them first. Same with white supremacy and religious fanatics as you pointed out. I think we need to work on teaching our kids that life is hard and you’re probably not going to be a movie star but…
As I’ve been told many times, the death penalty will cost more money because of all the appeals. I actually think in this case imprisonment is better because the death penalty will make him a martyr to the right wing fascist neo nazis who have become empowered by Uberlord Orange Asshole. Lock him in a hole with other…
I kind of feel like you answered your own question. Being a *part of* the “Master Race” is the only thing they have to hang on.
Perhaps this is a bit O/T but I’ve always been curious about the mentality of these white supremacists, whose belief system is based on the genetic superiority of the white race but every single one of them look like, well, like Roof: skinny, unhealthy and clearly genetically damaged. I just don’t understand how they…
I just googled Flavie Flament - in her own words from a newspaper interview she describes what happened. Wow, I cannot fathom what kind of a mother would leave her child like this. She basically prostituted out her daughter.
lol seriously. this is the first actually funny thing she’s done in years
This is good!
Polite bluntness is probably your best weapon. I agree that you should stick out your hand for a handshake and if he goes in for a hug, say “sorry uncle X, I’m not a huge fan of hugging”. If he does it again, firmly remind him that you’d prefer not to be hugged and would appreciate if he’d respect that. As long as you…
It’s possible to believe that what you described is a monstrous act and also to believe that setting such a precedent would likely impact women who are truly victims of sexual assault disproportionately. Rape is a wildly undereported crime for many reasons, among which is the fact that your own behavior/prior sexual…
There are still innocent people incarcerated in Florida by the odious Janet Reno. She was really big on prosecuting cases of “satanic ritual abuse.”
From the Texas Observer:
How would you know? The Queen had her ass handed to her when she refused to lower the flag and have a state funeral for Diana and she also learned from her dealings with Margaret when Margaret wanted to date Townsend. She’s a smart woman who learns from past experience and although she’s from a different generation, I…
I’m almost embarrassed to write this: one Thanksgiving, my cousin tried to set me up with her brother (also my cousin). I hadn’t seen them for years and the brother leered at me all day. When his sister tried to gauge my interest in him, I was like: what! we are cousins! Her reply was that we were only 2nd cousins and…
Americans seem to think this would be a major issue, but we go for much more subtle racism in the UK than “No you cannot marry a biracial woman.” Prince Philip would certainly say something nasty about it, but no one’s going to forbid it outright. Class would be a much bigger factor, though I think she gets a free…
Fortunately for the boyfriend and me, we’re going to my parents’ house where the only other guests are my sister and her two delightful daughters (both of whom are at the perfect age where they play together and let the adults so their own thing). I’m sure we’ll talk politics, but we’re all on the same page, so it…
My husband’s ex-wife has been holding on for 20 YEARS. Her very favorite trick is subscribing to magazines for me using my madien name. I am currently getting Dr. Oz mag, Good Housekeeping, and Better Homes and Gardens courtesy of her. You would be surprised at how many magazines are out there, at least I am. I used…
Polanski is a pedophile who raped and drugged a child. Woody Allen is a Polanski. Ford was older but had consensual sex with an adult who he didn’t outrank in the business. Its not like it was George Lucas sleeping with her or something.
And that has what to do with Polanski? Look, I get it, people have different opinions about age gaps, young and old, affairs, etc. Your morals are your morals. But you’re comparing a convicted pedophile to a man sleeping with a 19 year old woman. I’m not the one with the hot take here.