
I was going to be polite about it, but let's just be honest. The American right wing knows shit all about economics, which is really just a symptom of their disconnect from reality. Also I don't remember if I dropped this rant here before, but it bears repeating.

I think it's time we get rid of the myth that minimum wage jobs all require minimal skill. Every fast food drive thru worker in my city is bilingual. Are YOU bilingual, author of this Op Ed? Also, I would l-o-v-e to see some white collar exec work the a slammed Friday night at any Denny's, where my best friend

It's all done under a lack of male gaze.

That is a really good boyfriend.

When I worked at an animal shelter, we had people bring a cat in. A guy came in, spotted the cat and about shit - it was his girlfriend's cat. She had gone to college and her dick parents, who had said they would care for the cat in her absence, had told her the cat had been eaten by a coyote - they said there was no


If you actually did any research at all then you would know that not supporting a person's right to choose doesn't actually reduce the number of abortions. It just reduces the number of safe abortions, particularly to poor people. Promoting sex education, safe sex practices, and providing cheap and effective birth

HAHAHAHA "simply for not having been born", like it's such a small diference, y'all. The fetus and the woman who carries it are totes the same, except, you know, one of them has not even been born and it apparently deserves more rights because of it.

thought that was changing under ACA?

You're presenting this as if it's a choice between safe abortion and dangerous abortion, but it's a choice between misoprostol and other, more dangerous methods of abortion.

I think this article is more to point out the terrible shit that happens when you restrict women's access to abortion. With no access to safe abortion, there are no great solutions.

Hi. Woman here. I have PCOS, which means I don't shed my uterine lining without medication. My hormones freak the fuck out and I gain massive amounts of weight in a short period of time and also generally feel like shit. The medication most used to treat PCOS is a birth control pill. Nice try with the whole "women

Fact is providing birth control (with no copay) is a HUGE win for our society (both men and women). Study after study shows that preventing unwanted pregnancy pays huge societal dividends. It's good public policy, that is why it was included as part of the ACA. It saves taxpayers money. http://www.brookings.edu/re

If you had Crohn's for a DAY, you would realize that no amount of "thin" would be worth it. It's actually quite normal to see them with moon shaped faces, humpbacks, acne, osteoporosis and other terrible side effects of the steroids they (we) have to take to get an intractable case back down to management. There's

Just to clarify, patients with Crohn's/colitis are not, as a rule, thin. Patients tend to lose a lot of weight when their disease is flaring (and they are, therefore, suffering considerably). When the disease is in remission (always the goal) patients should gain weight at a normal rate depending on their diet (I

This sounds kind of self-absorbed. It's pretty easy to post navel-gazey comments about the potential repercussions of conventionally attractive models with colostomy bags getting attention when you're not the one living with the damn colostomy bag.

This isn't your finest moment as a commenter.

My husband is extremely handy, and he never whines about maintenance or doing laundry or cooking or dishes. He also makes a shit ton of money. I've found that really successful men don't sit around on the internet attacking women. They are too busy being successful and being adored and respected by their wives.

Looks like someone is mad that their mom has the audacity to sit down for five minutes while she washes their Batman underwear. You know why you're the only one making these posts? Because women and men (not man-children) that have actually done housework know it's actually a shit ton of work. The fact that your

My husband cuts our lawn every week, which is great. But he needs SO MUCH credit for this chore. "Did you see I cut the lawn?" "Did you notice I went diagonally instead of simply back and forth?" "Lawn looks great, doesn't it?" "I think setting the blade higher was a good choice, don't you?"