
That dress is the kind of thing that looks fine on a wide age range of women, in my opinion. You sound pretty young; I would love to see what your opinion is about how "old women" should dress when you're 38 or so. My 39-year-old ass is currently encased in a pair of light green stretch jeans, I'm wearing a t-shirt

How is it different than the state forcing a dead person to be an incubator?

But they're not really making choices for their own bodies; they're making choices about a hypothetical set of unrealized medical circumstances. There is just no way a woman can make an informed decision about something that hasn't happened yet. Would I want to be taken off life support? I don't know, because I

I think it's unfair to require women to explicitly opt out of this law via a will that apparently will be highly scrutinized by the state. It adds yet more financial cost to the mere fact of being female. In the United States, organ donation is an "opt-in" decision. Why does using your dead body as an incubator have

We'll just have to strongly disagree on this one. I think the law is incredibly cruel, patronizing and just deeply creepy. I don't think the police power of the state, as understood in the legal sense, should extend to dominion over my brain dead body as an incubator.

An important correction is needed here. The issue is not whether to perform an abortion, it is whether or not to maintain a woman on life support. The decision to maintain someone on life support in most circumstances comes down to the wishes of the family, i.e. the person who has legal authority to make this decision

Their carveouts for incest/rape/etc always reminds me of just how little this is about precious babies and how much it is about punishing sluts.

Why 20 weeks, bro? A fetus is a human life and ending its capacity to grow is murder, unless it's less than 20 weeks old, in which case, it's a whole other story? The anti-abortion people that bother me the most are the ones who are inconsistent. If you think abortion is murder, and a fetus has the exact same rights

I've said it before and I'll say it again... there is sooo much room in Canada y'all.

And then cross your fingers he doesn't insist on texting you while you're still in front of him. You know, just to make sure he didn't hear you incorrectly.

Ladies. Lllllllladies. I know this is gonna sound creepy at first, but you'll change your mind once you've seen my very special dick. Wait til you see my dick. Wait til you see my dick. Wait til you see my dick. I'm gonna beat that pussy up.

Kissing a family member on the mouth isn't incest. You should probably be more concerned about her carrying around vials of blood on her necklace if you feel the need to get uppity about something.

*sigh*, again, I do really mean it when I say "I'm not saying you all had it easy". I'm not implying anyone has it harder. I'm saying we all have different challenges, some easier, some more difficult. That's it. There's no point in saying 'what's wrong with kids these days' when it isn't even comparable to even start

I'm sorry that some people want to patronize you for adding what is actually a pretty insightful comment. "Kids these days" are being raised in an online era of permanent mistakes. They are expected to be on the college track by preschool, yet the chances they will make very public mistakes and ruin their successes

A system where people are prosecuted without adequate evidence will never lead to justice, regardless of how reprehensible the crime is.

Leave the good sea lord out of this.

I know everyone is all serious about guns and shit but I want to talk about their food for a second. They use too much damn cilantro and onions in their pico. Why all the cilanto?! No one needs that much cilantro. And why do they have to make their burritos SO LARGE? Does Bigfoot eat at Chipotle? T-Rex? I doubt it.

Honestly, thank god the truck driver wasn't injured. That's all I have to say.