
Generally, photo shoot models have to sign a release that says the images belong to the photographer or media outlet and can be used in any way they see fit. Lena Dunham most likely signed a similar contract. No matter what exactly the contract stipulated, she almost certainly had to release ownership of the images to

Did you even read the article you posted? It lists a number of nonfatal but nonetheless serious health problems associated with corsets.

And moreover, your claim that you've chosen abstinence to avoid pregnancy- that's fine. But please be aware that there exist women who don't even have the CHOICE to abstain- namely, victims of rape and incest, and victims of partner violence.

I work for a family planning charity. I, and no one else on staff, sees any kind of contradiction between celebrating a wanted pregnancy and giving women options. Somehow, some of our staff members are pregnant women, and yet they can still support other women's human rights while simultaneously loving their own

I don't think anyone is going to want to get a colostomy bag because of this photo, even if having Crohn's makes you thin.

Women are already too scared to go to the hospital. In countries like Nicaragua and El Salvador, women get turned away from hospitals or jailed for MISCARRYING because doctors are terrified of "aiding" an abortion due to the legal consequences, and pregnant women are under constant scrutiny. Misoprostol is honestly

I, too, am always puzzled by the men who make a fuss about "paying for" women's birth control, like there is some injustice in women getting the "free" pills to prevent pregnancy. Um, are we forgetting that a man MUST be involved to create an unintended pregnancy? Do you want to have to worry about unintended

While I agree with you that family planning shouldn't be framed as a "women's issue" (last I checked it still takes a sperm and an egg to make a baby... with currently available science), the rest of your argument falls short and neglects the many medical uses of hormonal contraceptives besides birth control, such as

Women shouldn't have to write elaborate clauses in their wills about the myriad circumstances under which they should or should not be kept on life support if pregnant. Additionally, a lot of women don't have the money, time, energy, or legal know-how to just drop into a lawyer's office to write up an elaborate will.

I'm mid-20's, so I'm not sure if I qualify as a "kid" anymore, but I could offer up numerous examples of unique hardships that my generation has faced compared to earlier generations.

I'm 25, so I'm not sure if I qualify as a "kid" anymore, but I could offer up numerous examples of unique hardships that my generation has faced compared to earlier generations.

Not sure why all these other commenters are ganging up on you. "Kids these days" definitely do experience unique challenges compared to previous generations. I'm sure the next generation will be able to say the same thing. Society DOES change, even if human nature does not.

If the climate change report is right, most of it will sink into the ocean pretty soon anyway. Good riddance.

I bet they'll notice when Fox News goes off the air.

I'm bored with Lana Del Rey. I'm more interested in, you know, cat videos, or basically ANYTHING THAT IS NOT LANA DEL REY. (Sorry, I live in Brooklyn and just can't stand it anymore.)

It's hard to make comparisons bc the 9/11 Museum has been in mostly a construction phase for the years that 990 forms are available; however, for 2012 the 9/11 museum ran a surplus of 20 million dollars, whereas the Holocaust Museum only did about 2 million, and they had strikingly similar amounts of gov't grant

So is anyone gonna apologize for body-shaming this model over nothing? Or is this gonna be another Lena Dunham situation?

Why would guys "brag to their friends" about slicing female genitals with a blender? What kinda fucked up culture is that?