
ActionReplay please.

Remember when we had simple things like a game shark?

This isn’t a good thing to get angry about.

Exactly - it's not a misery contest, so why are you ranting about the perceived tone of the coverage?

I don’t think it’s insulting at all, and it is more tragic. They barely got a chance to live their lives before it was taken from them.

From what I read (and this could be entirely false) the movie is about finding Bo Beep.

I’m not really sure how a 4th Toy Story can fit. The 3rd was a meditation on the afterlife. I’m not sure where you go after that.

“You people”?

Okay, so basically it’s another non story. Thanks!

This is why we need fully automated bikes. There are too many injuries and deaths due to people who are in control of bicycles. It’s dangerous to them and dangerous to others. No more humans in control of bikes.

First Tesla. Now this. Everyone should only ever drive manual cars. No one has ever died in one of those right?

but that’s been Gawker/Jezebel’s MO??

Speak for yourself, Clover Hope. Cranston won my heart as a weird, beleaguered dad in Malcom in the Middle long before he got serious and started dealing meth for Emmys.

skip the franco, and just watch the first season of “cuckoo” on netflix. nearly the same story, but with a lovable (and sexy af) andy samberg as the weirdo boyfriend.

The female lead is apparently 21. Franco is 38.

(deep sighing that this comment of yours has 21 recommends)

I do! And it worked!

I’m an anti-manscaping dude. I shave my face and get my hair cut. Whatever else happens, happens.

hahaha trolling without knowing the subject... Nintendo was the major stock owner, they didn’t care for Rare anymore...

Did we dodged a bullet by not getting a Banjo Skylanders game? Lol