
Fine. I’ll be the one that posts “Orlando Bloo”.

I give you Vincent Adultman

Muppet Man!

That’s turrble.

Godzilla ... was over 300 feet tall,

!!!! It was you?!!

Founder and CEO has to sit at a desk facing another desk?

One of my favorite episodes of Shark Tank had a guy trying to sell little plastic tabs for this purpose (think a longer, bent guitar pick). Dude was trying to sell them for like $5 apiece or something equally ridiculous, and almost every shark was like “but can’t you just put a piece of tape over it?”

I have zero shame in admitting that WWW was one of my all time favourite movies as a kid and I can still watch it and recite lines from it.


Jeez that is dangerous, and morons these days are still trying to fry a turkey. Thank goodness we have fryer baskets.

Im pretty excited, but I’m prepared to be in the minority;)

Question: Is anyone here at all excited about this movie? It seems like a sequel that no one is asking for....

Back when games shipped with a whole fricking book for you to read.

Sorry about that. I highly recommend still buying it (it’s cheap!) with its expansion, Shadows of Undrentide and/or Hordes of the Underdark. Hordes is still one of my three favorite games.

I was about to buy this from GoG.com...but now I know about the betrayal....wish I had not read that seeing as how someone has been telling me recently I should really play this. I still enjoy Diablo 2 so old school graphics dont bother me one bit.

Sounds interesting... I wonder if will make things too easy though.

Yeah let’s ban cars and knives too since those kill more than guns per year too.

Counterpoint (and no disrespect intended): Like other “holy” books, the Quran is made up (by man) and should be understood in the context of the time and culture it was written in. Not saying it does not have a lot of beauty and truth about life, but to consider a book the inerrant word of God is how troubles start.

Before even clicking the article I thought to myself, “Man I hope Jackie Chan isn’t going to praise the Chinese government and talk about how superior China is to the West.”

I wasn’t too far off. He hasn’t changed a bit.