
I take it the Virtual Console has long been dead? It's been a while since I played the Wii U.

Fucking savage.

That’s because there’s zero possibility of anyone being willingly mugged. By definition it’s against their will.

All the stars to you.

You didn’t lose touch, your hypothesis is not too far from how it actually came about.

That is wrong. Bae was an ebonic form of the word “babe” or “baby”, and was retroactively given an acronym meaning to disguise it’s true origin.

Game Genie

Children are especially precious because they are innocent and defenseless. It’s not about undermining an adult’s death. It’s just especially sad when so many children are mercilessly killed. Maybe these adults did something to provoke ISIS (pure hypothetical speculation and certainly not legally justifiable) but what

Maybe we should go back to horse-drawn carriages. Those things never had fatal collisions......right?

Watching him in this trailer sealed the deal for me: Franco can’t pull off looking under 30 anymore

Why do you have to characterize it as “for fun” though? I presume “fun” means to have as much unprotected sex as you desire without the consequence of pregnancy.

Bro those monkeys are stacked the wrong way

This thread just keeps getting better and better. Who's next?

Looks like Dog has had a serious downgrade.

Prometheus was especially fun for me because I paid zero attention to it before seeing in theaters so I had absolutely no idea it was an Alien prequel.

Not at all. I don’t need an excuse for giving my opinion.

Ah, just as I thought. Once more my simple explanation is lost on you.

I know I did. You’ve yet to provide any reasonable points to refute my words.

Wrong again. You corrected nothing, all you did was demonstrate your idiocy as I proceeded to explain in detailed and rational terms how an atheist does reject religious texts.

They need to start selling these actual clothes like Ubisoft does, stat.