
Good people don’t make “mistakes” like that. It was very malevoleant, cruel, and intentional.

Is the “mistake” in this place showering in a place where some privacy is expected? Struggling to see who’s the mistake-making “good people” in this case...

I hope the woman finds out and sues the ever loving crap out of her.

Yeah. Good people can make mistakes, too. I just hope that the woman photographed either doesn’t know about it or has support to move onward. I would be very hurt if that happened to me.


Agreed. I was into comics a lot as a kid, lost touch, then after a slew of awesome Marvel movies I decided to jump back in. Quickly overwhelmed because of so many tie-ins I couldn’t pick up a book without feeling like I needed to be reading 12 other books just to keep up.

Not for the 1st time,

What a time to be alive!

You argue for stoicism by citing the most conformist source possible as your very definition for stoicism? And not even a primary source, but Google?!?


Wow. Okay, then, I stand corrected.

They’re not. Two of those weren’t even Universal films. You know how annoying it is when mom or dad asks “So when will Batman and RoboCop join the Avengers?” That’s what you just did. Just saying.

Damn, you beat me to it

Fightin round the world!

Could there be more perfect casting for Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde than Russell Crowe?

I am a male bartender and I believe that it is good advice for all people to not get so drunk that you are no longer in control of yourself and what might happen to you. I recognize my male privilege that I can more easily get wasted and toddle back to my sketchy neighborhood. But even so, I can be assaulted, mugged

Evan, I love having you on io9. These comic recaps are amazing.

Sadly, this is true. We tried to wrestle with it before posting, but Kinja won.

“After we specifically asked you not to click on this article, you went ahead and did it.” Not true, you told me not to click on that red button and I didn’t.

People long ago tried to throw this stuff away, now we’re digging it up and saving it... I don’t feel so bad about not recycling now. Some day it will be an archaeologist’s fantasy.