
Why are you on the fence of the prospect of Kratos vs Thor, Odin, Loki, Frost Giants among other Norse mythological characters?!

Fucking DYING

is it x

why reinvent the wheel? because there hasn’t been a good spiderman game since spiderman 2 and before that was spiderman ps1.

Kratos has a new voice to go with the beard, that clearly wasn’t the original actor

“Better Technology”

“Better technology”

This whole WWDC Keynote just proves Apple is out of ideas...

So unless you are 100% full Kool-Aid into Apple, the new OS does nothing new for you?

Taxing something is exactly what you should be doing to discourage things, not banning things that people want to use. In most cases.

Oklahoma City sometimes has sudden explosions of excitement.

I like Jude. Call me shallow, but that Hairline doesn’t say Superman to me. I don’t like Cavill’s hair as superman too. They haven’t found the square jaw man i usually picture supes as.


I feel like there’s a missed 80's movie opportunity in here. Where’s the Pogo! movie, in the vain of those sweet 80's BMX movies like Rad.

If anything they should be digging deeper.

Look I’ll be honest. I’m not pushing for them to be gay because I want more representation of gay culture in media. I am pushing for it because Chris and Sebastian are incredibly fucking hot and I want to see them makeout shirtless. No other reason than that.

No, I’m just using it as an example that if a white person had said that people would collectively lose their shit. It’s not remotely right. Treating one group of people differently than treating another group of people is racist in itself.

Now playing

Muhammad Ali himself saw race. He preferred to be “with his own”. He said he didn’t hate anyone, it’s just a preference. You can be racist but not be a bad person.

I don’t see the issue. Steve and Peggy didn’t have a physical relationship. They had an attraction and flirtation. They didn’t even go out on a first date. Steve and Sharon had a flirtation and an attraction, then kissed.