
Now we know what kind of voter Matt is.

Congrats, you’re a fucking idiot.

You really need to elaborate because right now the only thing that is shit is your comment on Tyson’s tweet.

How does that ruin it? People have a responsibility to understand the issues before they vote.

That is a factual statement.

Dammit, Evan. Why did you have to leave for io9? This is exactly why you need to stick around Kotaku: you continue to raise the bar for discourse

Excellent article Evan. You articulated many of the reasons why I loved this game.

Great analysis of this game. And a perfect breakdown of why the ending of this game/series is one of the most fulfilling of any game of recent memory.

Excellent article and a great way to show how great of an ending Uncharted 4 was for the series. Personally, with the older games, I gave all the killing a pass “because video game.” Besides, if I didn’t fight back they were going to kill ME!

keto does wonders!

Yeah, I think he means objectification not sexism, but his point is very valid. And it totally sucks to be objectified so Jon Snow, for once, you kinda know something maybe?

That’s... What? Women have, and frequently exercise, that option. Of all the things women are denied in society, the right to stop acting because they’re being objectified is not one of them. Of course, nobody should have to stop acting for this reason, but the option exists, equally, for all parties concerned.

Again... God fucking forbid some man feels some way, that they aren't allowed.

I live in Norway, and I can refer to the annual reports from the department for violence and sexual crimes at the police. While rape did exist in Norway before immigration, it was the close relations, alcohol related and date rapes. After immigration, we got introduced to assualt and rape, as well as gang rape. This

The fact that one person links to an Infowars/Alex Jones/Tinfoil hat website doesn’t change the facts. Violent crime and rape are on the rise, and it is being committed by immigrants from Islamist countries.

Infowars is your source? I trust that link as far as I could throw Alex Jones.

I’ve seen women do it. And I’ve seen them whack their eyes against doorknobs and similarly shaped objects. And even get friends to punch them.